Bredli wheezing

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Hey guys

never had a problem with any of my animals but I've just realized my 1 year old Bredli is wheezing... I'm so worried it's ri.. Can't think of another reason.. He is eating well and his tank is 27-34deg. Please help
Wheezing is a common sign of RI. Can you see mucous build up in the mouth/heat pits. A vet trip may be in order to confirm an RI.
they can sound a bit wheezy as they approach a shed, if theres no excess mucous/blowing bubbles/gurgling when handled hes probably ok.
If the snake is eating OK, it's very likely it isn't RI - one of the first signs of impending RI is lack of appetite. Your temps sound fine, and as Chris has said, snakes often get a bit wheezy when coming up for a shed. If its behaviour is in all other ways quite normal, you probably don't need to worry.

My adult 7 foot darwin was like this, he has been a bit whistly/wheezy for a couple weeks. he had a very big feed and the day after he seemed to have a weird mouth, it was red and irritated inside and there was mucus, and one of the sides of his mouth was drooping, the bottom 'lip'. There was a more than normal amount of saliva and some white mucus. I put him in an isolation container and spiked up his heat, expecting a vet trip in the next couple of days. however the next day the saliva and mucus and mouth redness was gone, so i assumed it may have been the large feed he had that had done something to his mouth from stretching more than normal.
He is still slightly whistly and i still have him in the isolation container with around 32+ for heat, im thinking his enclosure was getting too cold and he may have RI from that, as he only had a heat pad due to faulty light fittings (thanks to the guy who built the enclosure incorrectly i assume)
anyways i will be taking him to the vet within a couple of days, when i can get an appointment, but i have noticed he is now going into shed and after reading your comment i was wondering if the wheezing/whistling could be from this...? i have never heard of it being a symptom of shedding...
(Sorry if this is hijacking the thread)
Thanks for the comments guys.. he hasnt done this again so i dont see a problem
A couple of things worth mentioning, sometimes they can gurgle a bit after drinking, and another symptom of RI - often pythons look a bit uncomfortable - not coiling as smoothly or comfortably as usual - because they need to keep their airway open. healthy pythons often bury their heads in their coils, snakes with RI often elevate the snout skywards for similar reasons.

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