Breeding three year old Eastern dragon

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Sep 16, 2011
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My Eastern laid eggs a couple of weeks ago, there was no male so they were useless..
I thought she was a male so that suprised me, especially since her name is Billy.
But anyway, someone I know has a male eastern and I'm looking into "borrowing" his male to get them to breed.
Is there a particular time that they breed and would it be okay to bring in an adult male with my billy, she has never had contact with any other lizard. However she gets along with my cat lol
Apparently the male is extremely dominant, but not harmful.
Any helps and tips on getting them breed or or to introduce them, would be amazing. =]
Thanks for that! I'll have a look.
I though my lizard was a he, so never even thought about breeding until she laid eggs. I've never tried to breed lizards before.
How many do you have?
male EWD have a bright red chest which they push out all the time, and have a very large bulky head whereas the females narrow and slender and the chest is not red like the males, females will lift there arm and rotate it all the time and the males only bob there heads ( head Bobbing ).

i have one male and two females.
the male ( T-rex = tyrant lizard king ) which my male is he thinks he the boss and gets upset when not given special attention. i piss him off a bit by head bobbing at his girls when hes watching as this is how male EWD show dominace over there females ( in the wild one male will have a large amount of females he will dominate over, to control them , he is about three years old.

my females ( Kaos and Cutie )
Kaos =cant stand humans but as she only has one working eye this could be mistreatment by humans cuase she cant stand us or only on her terms but in the last few weeks she is coming around after 2 years of hating me and everyone else,
cutie =is the best she will just sit there all day in the same spot on the lounge and has the best temperment ever .

i have tryed several times to upload pics of them but cant my windows 7 keeps shuting down
Yeah I knew that, that's why I thought Billy was a boy, she has a red chest and it's almost like she has chubby cheeks and she's bobbed her head a number of times when she sees her reflection or just when she's just sunbaking. Never done the arm thing though. Weird!
I've had a male EWD before aswell, as she acts much like he did.
Lol I love their names!
They sound amazing, especially the male.
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