Here's a pic of my newly finished colony (woodies transferred from my old, messy vaseline colony).
I got a strip from a cardboard box, made a zig-zag pattern and put in the egg trays as shown. I'll definitely need to fill
it out a little more (although the 1000+ woodies I have seem to all fit fine into what's available). I'll also add
some paper towel rolls in vertically so I can easily get access to woodies.
The brick is to wedge the cardboard accordian with egg trays at one end. To clean, I'll just tip it and scoop/vacuum
the rubbish from the bare end. It's a massive container - 165L.. Plenty of room to upsize I suppose.
Can anyone recommend some good foods for them to eat? From my understanding dog biscuits which are high in
protein are good? I've been using bearded dragon food/pellets and dog biscuits. However the dog biscuits have been
going mouldy. I may just need to be more dilligent with the new colony and make sure it's well ventilated. I'll also
try some rat pellets as well.
Can anybody tell me how to sex adult woodies? Have looked on the net but can't find anything specific to this species.
I'm not really sure either
It's quite easy to spot the pregnant females though, as they have a yellowish egg sac sticking out the back.