Bringing the caveman back...

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Of course IV, I stole it from my uncle. Haven't heard anyone else use it but it pretty much sums up the human race.

Even though we love animals we up our electricity bill by keeping them this doing more damage to the environment, we of all people should know better but will it stop us doing what we are doing? I know I won't. If you disagree think about what you do in your daily life, most of us drive cars etc and are too comfortable in our live to make changes.
I also find the doubt of disease immunity a bit of a stretch. There are bugs around now that are immune to anti-biotics because we've been throwing them through everyone for so long. The best immune system is a natural one, that's why doctors have been reducing the use of anti-biotics over the last few years. Those who were sick were left on the hills for the wolves back then. They also possess(ed) plenty more survival instinct as has been mentioned. Most humans these days wouldn't survive without someone telling them how, particularly in cases of adversity.

Reconstructing ones DNA is one thing, reproducing it is another. Also what happens if the surrogate mother dies at birth? "Oops?" I don't think so...

In one frame of mind I'm all for it, but there should be a bit more certainty about the matter, perhaps more collaboration between medical fraternities as opposed to 'one mans idea'
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