Brisbane or Gold Coast Herp Organisation?

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Ozzie Python

Very Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2007
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SE Qld
Just wondering if there is a Brisbane or Gold Coast based herp society or organisation?

Even a club where we can get some contacts in our local area and give a bit of advice to eachother and help eachother out and make our hobby easier, and most importantly benefit our pets.

Might be an easier way to organise social outings. (Any excuse to have a beer:))

Let me know what you think.
There is a couple of clubs in Brisbane...not sure of their details though.
Goldcoast should have one, being the 5th biggest city in Oz...................but it hasnt.
Its been thrown around the idea to start one a few times but always fizzled out to a burnt match.

Perhaps your the man/woman/other to start it.
Would be good.
I will start a Gold Coast club if I get enough PM's showing geunine interest.
ideally id like one on the gold coast, maybe if we got an idea of those interested it could be worth our while, even organise a meeting to sort out what people want to do and how they want it set up.

I'm sure there are alot of enthusiats out there who are thinking the same.
I will start a Gold Coast club if I get enough PM's showing geunine interest.

If your keen to have a crack at it adam i'd give you a hand, but definately need to get an idea of how many interested otherwise its alot of wasted time.
Guys you would find if you started one it would get bigger over time.
You may only start with half a dozen members but it definetly will grow............5th largest city.......
Go for it and just see what happens.....its been talked about for ages but it never gets up and running.
Go for it.
Count me in.
Sweet, I'm keen. All those interested, let us know!!!!!
hey even i'll come to the gold coast to get it started.. I don't have the time/patience/organisational skills to start one of my own here in brissie :lol:

i will definetly come as long as i aint working :D
The Herpetological Society of Queensland Inc. (est.1994)
meets 1st Sunday of each month (unless otherwise advised)
Bunya Pine Crt (off Draper Road) Eaton Hills
We offer guest speakers,field trips,work shops,library of books,videos,dvds, post
BBQ and Auction and friendly informal chat where you can meet breeders and experienced herpetologists
subs.$25.00 for single $30.00 for family or the option of $50.00 including one years subscription to Reptiles Australia magazine
We have a new website just about ready to go:
email: [email protected]
or email Sandee for any further questions [email protected]
We are looking at meetings southside of Brisbane if we can find helpful people to run them
that would be great
Meetings can be held anywhere as long as we have a good committee to run them
Needed urgently more active members :)
We used to have a good following of Toowoomba people and had a huge successful meeting
up there, but the committee member responsible for organising it all unfortunatley had to move interstate for work :(
ACTIVE MEMBERS is the keyword :)
Find a venue, name the date and advertise for expressions of interested and see what happens
Good Luck :)
Is anyone interested in organising an Expo to showcase our hobby - REPTILEMANIA
or somesuch thing for Brisbane
We would be more than please to run a Gold Coast meeting and reptile exhibition.We have the right sort of enclosures and enough reptiles to showcase without a problem.
OK Adam
Let's get our heads together and make it happen
August - Sept. ?
A venue ?
Sponsors ?
Willing workers ?
mm m anything else ?
I'll ask Reptiles Australia magazine if they would like to be involved :)
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