Brisbane or Gold Coast Herp Organisation?

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I would love to be involved as an active member. Count me in :) Iv been contemplating Eatons Hill for ages but just is that bit too far for me.

How about organising a meeting half way between brissy and the gold coast. Would be a little more central for the whole of south brisbane and wouldnt work out as far for those a little west, like Mel :) Just a suggestion (?)

Cheers :)
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Cool. I am a willing worker. August would be great. Venue, I will work on that, sponsors I can ask some of our pet shops we know well. Its a deal, lets get the ball rolling!!
We would be more than please to run a Gold Coast meeting and reptile exhibition.We have the right sort of enclosures and enough reptiles to showcase without a problem.

just outta curiosity, do you need a special licence to "showcase" your herps?
Yes you do need a permit to showcase reptiles, you must work very closely with the EPA
Good to see at least 2 people are interested, thanks
Sandee :)
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