I had an absolute ball. Have to say, the weather worried me before we left, but the sun came out and smiled at us and scared all the clouds away.
The company in the car was brilliant. Non stop banter and fun the whole trip, which was excessively long, (but didn't feel like it), thanks to Diccos map reading and memories.
We ended up at Mount Cootha and Channel 10 before realising our mistake and with much head beating of poor Dicco, rearranged our course and headed for the right place. Only ending up 12 minutes late !!
We wandered the wildlife park, discussing measurements and counting the calorie content of various fluffies before kicking ourselves out, sans coffee, to take over the walkway with bags and bodies and challenging all visitors to an obstacle course to get in and out.
After the pikers made a run for it, the Dedicated Five headed for the BBQ area, again with Dicco in control of directions. Just as we had started bashing him about the head again for getting us truly lost once more, the picnic area revealed it self to us and invited us in.
What a glorious day for a picnic. Due, no doubt, to the weather being in cohorts with us at the start of it, most people had decided not to crawl out of bed and make an attempt on the day, therefore, we had the place almost to ourselves. (Plus the odd Kookaburra or 4, sundry other birds and shouting kids in the distance).
Recharge cooked a killer lunch, with food supplied by himself and Kenshin and most importantly, on plates supplied by Dicco (which didn't get lost) and after sating ourselves on gourmet BBQ, we tried the carpet python digestive thing and settled in to tell tall herping stories. (As well as pick on Dicco).
Eventually someone roused and guilted the rest of us into action, where we set off to enjoy the Lace Monitor adventure as mentioned above. (Of course, I remember it quite differently. It wasn't 6 to 10 foot as mentioned.
I was in the creek bed when it crossed in front of me and it took a full 7.25 minutes to do so at a gallop. Clearly, it was much larger.)
(I didn't bother photographing the middle, there was too much of it and it was boring after the first 3 minutes
Of course, while traipsing through the creek, we all did the right thing by the environment....
After ripping Dicco away from his roadkill in the carpark, and rolling an exhausted Recharge out of the gutter and into the car, handling a small tantrum from Kenshin who didn't want to give up the water bottle and waving tearly goodbyes to Boa, we set off for the sunset to finish our day off.
What an understatement. So, to get home, all I have to do is pick up a snake here, pick up another two snakes there (got lost), drop off a person that way ->, drop off a snake that way <- (got lost again) (then got lost yet again), drop off a person and two snakes around the corner, deliver the last person and get home. In three entirely separate points of the compass, with Brisbane city as the central point.
I write this post at 11.58pm, you figure out what I have been doing all evening.
A great deal of fun was had by all and I wouldn't swap today for anything, even minus the full tank of petrol.