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I personally don't think i should have reported him. He would have lost his entire collection, and would have received potentially a massive fine. By the sounds of things the guy is fairly young. I think he most certainly has learnt his lesson, and will be thinking twice before taking anything from the wild again. I also believe the Lacey will be released within 24 hours (hopefully), so it should all turn out for the best. What does everyone else think?
Yeah, i hid his phone number in my post but have since realised he was stupid enough to put it his ad aswell. I'm sure NPWS would have picked up on it themselves when they read the ad anyways, it was pretty obvious it's unlicensed. I've probably done him a favour...
Smack him. If he has a collection and a license, then he has a responsibility to obey the law.

Zero Tolerance. Its sets a bad precendent.
What an idiot.. he deserves what he gets, prob a slap on the wrists anyway..
Mitigating circumstances Breds - thats the courts decision (or NPWS's in this case) I am sure that if you are right then he will probably get the necessary smack on the wrist and change of undies. But if this is the 8th time he has done it. Well.... then.... you did the right thing.
Also he may have had it since a baby and has no idea of how to hunt etc so while you had the best intentions for the animal you may have just signed its death warrant as i don't think it would last that long.
He may also have caught it 2 days ago, and if NPWS seized it, it might have been spending the rest of its life in captivity. Who knows?
I've no idea how it works in NSW but illegally kept animals seized by QPWS which are seized normally aren't returned to the wild anyway. They're often given to licensed keepers or zoos and parks.
Sorry, I need to amend my statement, they go to holders of damage mitigation permits (not just licensed keepers) and to zoos etc.
AntaresiaLady said:
Smack him. If he has a collection and a license, then he has a responsibility to obey the law.

Zero Tolerance. Its sets a bad precendent.

I'm with AntarestiaLady. I think that if he was doing the wrong thing then he should be punished (as mentioned by others, for a first offence not more than a slap on the wrist). If the bloke honestly didn't know he was doing the wrong thing then he will be educated by NPWS & hopefully it wont happen again. If he is a habitual rule-breaker then NPWS will come down harder on him & that is no bad thing to my mind. It's the repeat offenders which make it harder for honest breederes & herpers.

Years ago I used to do undercover work specialising in company theft and fraud and I was involved in working closely with the people that were the suspects and gathering evidence. some of the people we got were fairly descent people all in all but the fact is they were doing something wrong. it is because of these people that laws and penalties are as they are. I don't claim to be an angel but I don't take aniamls from the wild and I keep my books up to scratch and I sleep easy knowing I have nothing to worry about. I find it amazing that anyone is stupid enough to keep and Especially advertise any illegal animals these days. There is a saying, You reap the seeds you sow..........................Sorry no sympathy here
I think he should have been reported, but because he is a young fella and possibly just didn't know any better i'm not sure he should have the book thrown at him. If he does end up losing his permit and any other animals that he may have, it is logical that he would attain more illegally. I think the consequences should fit what he has done, so maybe something like a couple of hours of community service at his local RSPCA cleaning cr@p out of sick animals cages and getting to know the NPWS, this might help him to understand what and why what he did/ tried to do was wrong. I know this kind of goes against what i said in the previous thread but oh well.
You guys have way too much time on your hands, leave the police work to the police (NPWS).
Try reading a book, Ive heard they can be interesting.
I just downloaded The Da Vinci Code audio book, it will keep me busy for 8 hours, but after that i'm back on the beat :lol:
I feel a little uncomfortable about this dobbing people in, isn't it considered Un-Australian ? :)
.. but it's totally Australian to have a laugh at other people's stupidity :lol:
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