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Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the only way to differentiate between a keelback and a rough-scaled snake was by the presence of a loreal scale, which is only present on keelbacks.

Based on that, and the fact that the photos are not clear enough to determine the presence of a loreal scale, I would be highly cautious of the pictured animal, as if it is a rough-scaled snake, a bite could really ruin your day.

Na definitely not a rough scaled snake, they look quite different once you have seen a few.
Definitely a Keelback. , that's not the only way to tell the two apart, there head looks quite different,You can see the head in the last pic. I thought the difference was obvious but maybe I just have an eye for detail.
Buy a cat run, alot of people have a few cages connected to say a doggy door or a laundry window so that the cat can get in and out of the catrun and back into the house without being a menace.

There are alot of cheap ones on ebay.
I think all cat owners should use this method, it's brilliant.
It's defnately a Keelback. Whilst the definative way to tell Rough Scales and Keelbacks apart is the presence or absence of a loreal scale.....if you have seen a few they really are quite different. Not just the shape of the head but also the pattern on the body.

And comments like "it is a shame about the wildlife that cats go for, but animals kill animals" "think about all the small mammals, mice and birds that snakes are attacking daily?" really are a lost cause and beyond logic. Fine if this in in the cats natural environment......but we have introduced cats here and it is our responsibility to ensure that our wildlife ( which never evolved in response to such efficient predators as cats) is protected from cats. Whether this means keeping cats indoors or euthenasing unwanted cats is beyond the point. Cats attacking wildlife in Australia is NOT part of the "evolutionary foodchain".

If its not inside or in a cat run its a feral in peril!
Lost_cause...... i just want to point out that yes, animals are killing animals all the time, but its a little different when a native snake is hunting food, rather than an introduced menace is hunting wildlife. you just cannot compare the two to each other. keep your cat inside! i have had a cat in the past, it was kept inside, responsibly. my cat didnt add to the number of native wildlife killed each year decimating their populations.
.......... and so, what happened to the identification of the snake??? We have all heard SOOOOOO many ties about cats and their owners.AD INFINITUM...................... personally, I am getting sick and tired of hearing about it. EVERY time a cat is mentioned here, it's 'high and mighty moral highground' yet again, with the lectures about what one should do, or would like to do with cats.
They are here to stay, in whichever way people choose to keep them. GET OVER IT.
The issue here is that this snake was brought home, is still alive and the person querying was concerned it may be venomous........................what if it had been a dog that brought it home..................would we have had the same stupid inane comments that dogs should be kept RESPONSIBLY??????? What of the dogs who attack children and people, cats don't, and dogs do FAR MORE damage when they attack - wildlife and snakes too, that's how so many dogs get bitten, they play with the snakes, much as cats do - KEEP EM INDOORS.

Its a lot easier to contain a dog in a fenced yard, not the same with cats unfortunately
that the difference.

"They are here to stay, in whichever way people choose to keep them. GET OVER IT."

Thats a bit much, is it so bad that people here are concerned for wildlife?
Or maybe you should concede people hating on cats are here for good
and you should get over it? ;)
The issue here is that this snake was brought home...

I would have thought the snake was already home?

The snake itself has been identified numerous times, and comparing dogs and cats is just nuts. If I were you I'd just delete your post for fear of complete ridicule.
Thats a bit much, is it so bad that people here are concerned for wildlife?
Or maybe you should concede people hating on cats are here for good
and you should get over it? ;)

My concern for wildlife would equal anyone here, and I understand that some people hate cats, that doesn't bother me, to each his own, what is infuritaing me, Australis, is that EVERY time cats are mentioned on here, with monotonous regularity, theres always : several posts about keeping cats indoors; several more about "responsible" vs "irresponsible" ownership; a few about cats and bricks; and a few other miscellaneous anti-cat comments. There's always the lectures, and the innate condemnation for being a cat owner. It's just the same thing over and over again. Sickeningly predictable.

It's SO monotonous, it's a wonder the regulars don't just use the copy/paste function for each thread that mentions cats. It wouldn't surprise me if some havent got an automatic macro set to place their usual posts in cat threads every time one comes up!!! Far fetched, I know, but you know. it really wouldn't surprise me.

This is only lost_cause's 2nd thread......... and as somebody said earlier here, GREAT indroduction to the site for them....... instant condemnation for DARING to allow their cat out the door!

Sorry, lost_cause, they're not all like this on here, only some, and they can be ignored.
i'v owned reptiles for years, have had lizards, snakes etc. but the people who i live with like cats aswell. it is a shame about the wildlife that cats go for, but animals kill animals. its the evolutionary food chain. its what happens. all over the world, every second of everyday, an animal is killing another animal.

This is absolutely foolish, cats are an introduced species and it is therefore not the natural order of things for them to kill australia animals.

.......... and so, what happened to the identification of the snake??? We have all heard SOOOOOO many ties about cats and their owners.AD INFINITUM...................... personally, I am getting sick and tired of hearing about it. EVERY time a cat is mentioned here, it's 'high and mighty moral highground' yet again, with the lectures about what one should do, or would like to do with cats.
They are here to stay, in whichever way people choose to keep them. GET OVER IT.
The issue here is that this snake was brought home, is still alive and the person querying was concerned it may be venomous........................what if it had been a dog that brought it home..................would we have had the same stupid inane comments that dogs should be kept RESPONSIBLY??????? What of the dogs who attack children and people, cats don't, and dogs do FAR MORE damage when they attack - wildlife and snakes too, that's how so many dogs get bitten, they play with the snakes, much as cats do - KEEP EM INDOORS.

The oh so common "this thing is worse than that one" argument. I guess we shouldn't convict and imprison murderers because tyrants are worse than murderers right?

I don't like the "Name my Snake" threads... my psychiatrist reckons
ill be over it after a couple more sessions, i hope hes right... :|
The oh so common "this thing is worse than that one" argument. I guess we shouldn't convict and imprison murderers because tyrants are worse than murderers right?

NO, its the oh so common cat hating that infuriates me, I mention the comparison to point out that no matter what dogs do, they are still looked upon concessions for cats? Doesn't figure.
Isnt if funny how humans will have a go at the owners of a poor cat for causing the daily slaughter of our native species. Whilst ignoring the fact that they themselves kill and wreck the planet much more then some poor cat simply by their existence in this materialistic western society.

Any idea how much suffering you have caused this planet simply by having a computer?

Clean up yourself and then preach...
for some reason, after reading this thread, all i can think of is this pic:

As for the snake, im not sure.
On the cat issue, i have a kitten who's strictly only allowed inside, and i think its responsible cat owner who doesn't let their cats outside, unless they are restrained (ie, cat runs). Same goes for dogs if they are known to seek out and kill wildlife!
I wonder how much wildlife was displaced by the building of my house?

popcorn anyone?
im gonna say keelback/ freshwater snake
I believe one of the laws is that a cat is feral as soon as it leaves the property... and it's legal to shoot feral cats ;)
NO, its the oh so common cat hating that infuriates me, I mention the comparison to point out that no matter what dogs do, they are still looked upon concessions for cats? Doesn't figure.

Dude, seriously, get over it! there are many many MANY threads that irritate me to no end, not to mention the stupid idiotic posts I frequently see... But do you see me and others like me jumping up and down getting our post counts up over nothing? no... well maybe occasionally to let it out... but seriously, take a damn chill pill and leave people to their opinions... There is nothing you can do to stop them... It's the internet... deal with it. We all have to tolerate and put up with reading crap we don't like... you arent alone. Maybe its the "oh so common 'I hate people who hate cats so leave the cat owners alone along with their cats' whinging bitching and complaining that infuriates me and others... but guess what? Nothing can be done about it... only you can do something about that one, and step away from the computer, disconnect the internet OR close the window and do something else on the internet... OR just avoid threads that make you mad... But yes... sometimes it helps to vent and have your rant... and you've obviously had it.... do you feel better now? if not... look at a different thread or close ur eyes, count to ten and hope its all gone when you open them again... or atleast hope you've calmed down...No need stressing over nothing mate, you'll do your blood pressure in... believe me, take it rom someone who knows ;) (The bit about the bloodpressure and stressing over nothing part:lol:)
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