Cardwell Jungles

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
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In a house of herps - and loving it!
I bought a pair of Cardwells but am having issue's finding much info on them I have set up the viv with a vine that they seem to love as soon as the kids are in bed, a hide half way up the viv and plenty of plants etc (just waiting on backgrounds to arrive) I know I'm providing a variety of temps but what do cardwell's prefer temp wise?...Any other info on them would really be appreciated too

(Also they are not housed together but have twin viv's ;) )
Mogli and Shanti's viv 004.jpg
They are the same requirements as any other Northern Carpets. Just house them like you would any other Jungles and they should thrive....
Hi Funksta,
Are they jungle pythons? If so it is hot and humid up here in summer, and warm and not so humid up here in winter, but generally similar to a coastal or a northwestern, have a basking area between 32 and 36 degrees a water dish big enough for them to sit in and at night try and provide an ambient temp. that doesn't drop much below 17 degrees, and they will be happy.

Thanks guys...definately not the vine looking things with leaves sticking out of them lol she was in her hide when I took that pic...From what you're saying Scotty I think I have it pretty close - when I use the ir thermometer I get a reading of 36.5 on the vine and as you can imagine a variety of temps the lower in the viv from her treehouse you measure with the ir...they both chill out on their hides during the day and cruise the whole viv at night so hopefully I have it right...From what you can see in the viv is there ne thing suggested I should change?
The viv looks great I think I would love it if I was a jungle 36.5 is a good temp for basking for them. Good luck with your Cardwells.

they are lovely........really lovely I love the eyes. I have never heard of cardwell jungles before are they very unsual/uncommon?
Thanks Spikey - I could fib and pretend I know alot about them but in all honesty I wouldn't have a clue how common they are, or even if what I think is their 'cute' eyes' is normal...Although the cute eyes don't make up for the not so cute tagging! They're lil buggers that get you twice before you relise your bleeding :p
The breeder I bought them from is awsome, he know's what I'm like and what suits me so he sold me these babies - and I'm sooo happy with them :D
Although we were just going to talk about finding me a super sexy Boyd forrest dragon, but who could say no to those faces right?!?
I agree i love jungles
I have a lovely atherton at the moment as my first snake but those cardwells absolutely beautiful.

The shape of the head and the eyes remind me of rough scaled pythons......I know they are both very different snakes but there is something about the shape that is the same.

Thanks for sharing..I am very tempted by them

the tagging.....i wonder if they will settle down....or if they will stay nasty......i know some species are nastier than others and never really settle.......maybe they are look dont touch.....i went to amazing amazon and saw some palmerstons like that.....i swear they were tag teaming and when the sales person went to get them out of the enclosure they attacked in formation and then wrapped around each other so they couldnt be handled !!
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