Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Osteoarthritis Sufferers

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May 29, 2011
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I just got put on the public waiting list for the surgery on both wrists.

Anyone else on here got it and considering surgery or had success with any other treatments?

I wake up in excruciating pain upto 8 times a night with pain and numbness in my hands and shooting up into my shoulders on a bad night.

I have spinal osteoarthritis too so any suggestions there would help. Its like a leg cramp in my spine 24 hrs and the pain killers they have me on have stopped working :(

Ive tried massage, chiro, physio, pain away spray, dencorub, tiger balm and a musclularskeletal specialist and yoga :/
Hi, my neighbour just had surgery on one of her wrists and said it didn't hurt as much after the surgery as it did before surgery.
With your back i can fully sympathise, i have 2 slipped discs, sciatica, osteoarthritis, disc space narrowing (a part of the osteoarthritis) and a spur. I take diclofenac which is an anti-inflamatory, glucosamine and chondroitin for it but some other things are green lipped mussel extract in a tablet form and also elmore oil (all natural, aus made).
When i have a bought of pain i end up in an ambo and on endone for a few days and even that doesn't get rid of the pain!
Also try the elmore oil on your wrists as it is for a range of different things.
I hope you find some relief soon, it is deffinately not fun at all :(
I dont know much about it but my Nan has had the surgery for Carpal Tunnel and is great now. Good luck, hope it gets better for you.
for your back have you tried acupuncture?? it sounds odd i know but i have degenerating vertebrae due to a scoliosis in my lumbar spine and have found that acupuncture has worked well. pain away spray, tiger balm etc aren't that helpful because they are for muscular pain or soft tissue injuries.

massage is another and so are gentle strengthening exercises like tai chi.

i don't get carpal tunnel as bad as you but i do get it and its annoying, expect a long waiting time in the public sector though
Thanks guys! Yeah Ive been on endone, tamal, codiene, endep and every anti inflammatory known to man with no luck.

Ive got spurs, degeneration, scoliosis, kyphosis, lombosis and osteoarthritis. Im not allowed to work and Im only 29. They said its only gonna get worse too so I am in mourning for the future we were supposed to have. I was on an amazing salary down to disability payments on welfare and paying full time daycare.

Its so hard to stay positive but thankfully I have met some amazing friends on APS lately that have really changed my perspective and helped me feel happy for the first time in years.

I have been told my life expectancy is about another 20 yrs cause of all my illnesses and as long as I see my son grown up I'm okay with it. I just wish I could be more comfortable.

You arent the first person to suggest acupuncture and I really should try it. Im just a skeptic but if you've had success given your condition I should really try.
You may want to check out your local chiropractor...or one you can trust.
My hubby has it in both wrists. Just before he had surgery on the 1st wrist (a few weeks ago) we found out how much chiropractors can help with some carpal tunnel. After going to the chiropractor he will not be having the surgery on the 2nd wrist. :). all the best!
You may want to check out your local chiropractor...or one you can trust.
My hubby has it in both wrists. Just before he had surgery on the 1st wrist (a few weeks ago) we found out how much chiropractors can help with some carpal tunnel. After going to the chiropractor he will not be having the surgery on the 2nd wrist. :). all the best!

Your kidding?? How quickly did he see results????
I forgot about my scolliosis too!
When i first started having issues about 5 years ago (i just turned 25 this year) the doctor wouldn't allow disability for me. I am now just a stay at home mummy and it is hard, i really feel for you!
It is hard to stay positive but i hope you feel a bit better knowing that others have the same or similar issues. I hope that something that has been suggested can help you. I have also heard accupuncture is supposed to be good but haven't tried it either yet. I often think of my own future and what it will be like but i know i just have to carry on with it and get things done now and live for today and make it worthwhile.
I am glad you have reached out here and found people that make you smile and happy even if it is just on the internet :)
I actually got to meet one of them yesterday and she was AWESOME!! Not having a friends eyes glaze over when talking about my snakes was such a treat haha
Sorry about the ignorance, but is this hereditary? Or a workplace injury? If it is the latter what work/activities were you doing?
It was SUPER FUNTASTIC meeting you too :) Lets play soon!!!! Chase is the cutest hehe. Did you know that the coffee you made me was the first whole coffee I have ever had? I usually don't like coffee and have only tasted other peoples. You make a good cuppa!

I didn't realise you had it so tough with the old body :( Sucks real bad.. I have heard good things about scoliosis and acupuncture.. Worth a try!
Wrist massage works a treat on most carpal tunnel
Masseur basically has to warm everything up then 'spread' the flesh each side of the tunnel
My Ex GF had it really bad and she was one tough lady but used to cry with pain sometimes
Took about one week of a very learner masseur [me] playing every day, and it virtually disappeared
Every week I just gave her another massage
But only time it ever troubled her after that was in really cold days
Having had surgery for carpal on my right wrist . Worked really well only problem i have had from it is i can't use my pinky finger very well any more (has a mind of it's own now)

But concidering (sp?) the alterntive I can live with that .

But i agree with try a good chiro or i found a great osto (Find there not so brutal) , Being as as i have had 3 Factures in my lower back . Joys of a miss spent youth .
I had both carpal tunnels done a few years ago now. Had one then when that healed had the other done. Probably almost 17 yrs ago now and haven't had any pain or numbness at all.
Thanks guys!! I can say mine was due to hereditary factors coupled with misspent youth also lol Ive got a docs appointment Saturday for a referral to a chiro and acupuncture therapist to see how it goes.

In the interim Im having to take 4 panadeine forte every four hrs everyday just to stop the back cramps :(
That's a lot of meds. I had Panadeine Forte after an operation a year ago and just one at a time sent me to sleep. Hope you can find something more gentle that gives you relief.
My bf had bilateral carpal tunnel and had double surgery to relive the congestion a few years ago. It was interesting taking care of him lol, bags over the wrists to shower him, cutting up his food and holding his, um, well, he needed help to use the loo...
He has had no problems since then- he has changed jobs but still has the repetitive actions that caused it the first time, but as I said no pain or tingling etc. You can't even really see the scars, you have to look really carefully and even then they are so faint.
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