carpet python wont eat dead rats

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Sep 24, 2009
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Want some tips how to get carpet python eating dead rats hasnt eaten for 6 weeks had to feed snake fresh killed rat that was still kicking.thaw out rats to room temp then put in bag and sit in warm water move rat in front of snake shows interest then backs away must realise prey is dead have tried all different feeding times left rat in cage overnight snake sat there waiting for rat to move till morning,think hes hungry seems to be looking for food running out of ideas cage temp 26-30 degrees.Had no probs feeding dead rats previously.
i have the same sort of problem with my jungle although my problem is with mice. i guess some are just fussy eaters
You could try this. Offer a small stunned feed followed by another small dead feed. Open the mouth of the dead rodent to let all gut smell out.

What sub species of Morelia is it? Most will tolerate more than 32degrees warm end. Bumping up the temp may help also.

Good luck.
why would you want to go back to mice jungle312?
Or is your jungle still stuck on quail?
I am having this same problem too, my jungle has not eaten in 6weeks because he does not want to eat Rat. I smothered a rat red with the insides of a mouse and he still wasnt interested. I am not going back to mice though so it might be a while till the stubborn fella feeds again.
Didnt use to be a fussy eater would eat anything put in front of him dont want to feel live food.
Try rubbing a day old chicken over the rat, if that dont work put some feathers in the rats mouth, they should soon get the hang of it.
You could try this. Offer a small stunned feed followed by another small dead feed. Open the mouth of the dead rodent to let all gut smell out.

What sub species of Morelia is it? Most will tolerate more than 32degrees warm end. Bumping up the temp may help also.

Good luck.
coastal carpet did crack head to get fresh blood.
It is the breath smell they seem to respond to not the blood.

You could try fasting it for a while to let it hunt and get hungry.
I have no personal experience with this problem, but I have read a number of threads on this subject where the difference between a max of 30 degrees and a max of 32 - 34 degrees has made a major difference in willingness to feed. I don't know if it's relevant but my Stimmo always has access to a 32-33 degree spot in the main part of the enclosure and a 34-35 degree spot in the hide and he has never refused a feed for me even when moving from mice to rats. And he started life as a force-feeder for the first 4 months of his life with the breeder.
pric the head of the rat with a pin to get brain fluid out. i've neevr had a snake refuse that when they've been difficult.
why would you want to go back to mice jungle312?
Or is your jungle still stuck on quail?
I am having this same problem too, my jungle has not eaten in 6weeks because he does not want to eat Rat. I smothered a rat red with the insides of a mouse and he still wasnt interested. I am not going back to mice though so it might be a while till the stubborn fella feeds again.

i got the same prob with my jungle ... offered him rats but he won't eat em ... however he gobbles down mice ... tried scenting the rat with mice, but doesn't work .... fussy eaters will always be fussy eaters i spose
Not eaten in only six weeks? wouldn't worry too much at this stage, they can go months without feeding
My male Bredli (6YRS) has gone off his food since the season has changed after eating through winter, maybe your bloke has other things on his mind;).
Might wait another week or so weather getting warm here in northern N.S.W hes appetite should be increasing looking a bit skinny.Think he should be eating weekly or at least fortnightly.
If you want decent advice you will need to give more details. Age, size and sex of snake, enclosure set-up details, previous feeding,shedding history etc. The more info you provide the better. The likely causes of poor apetite are multitudinous so tailored advice based on more information will likely be much more useful for you.
Dont know exact age think 2 years approx havnt had sex determined,enclosure 4ft by 4ft by 3ft has hide log branches 100wt heat lamp temp 27- 30degrees reptibark substrate snake 1.6mtr in length has been shedding well previously 2 months since last shed otherwise seems healthy havnt been handling since not eating frozen rats didnt want to stress snake.note no lamp during night time.
Dont worry if a 1.6 meter Morelia hasn't eaten for six weeks. Be a little concerned after six months!
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