Catching Wild Herps.

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I would have thought that if the animals were not happy being held that they would retaliate in some form.Agree that there are a few that just dont care but the majority of them will put up some defence.JMO
If that snake you were holding was enjoying the interaction with you, why were you holding it by the neck?


hey there,what snakes are you holding? i can see one is a red-naped snake,what are the others?
i hope that all the qlders know that it is ilegat to catch a snake in qld.
I know a few people who have been charged over the years just from photos of them holding a snake in the bush.
Heres some photos of herps ive seen the last few weeks. (hope there not too big)


Water Skink

Common Scaly-foot

" "

Drysdalia Mastersii

" "

Southern Leaf-Tail
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I'm sure you will all deal with the fact that both Alumba and I held wild animals. It's done and if I want to pick up a beardie, I will. He didn't seem to mind.
Hey i never said that i agree with that law, infact i think its a bit silly to some extents, in others not, but i was just stating that in qld some herpers have been fined for do it.
Well maybe they harmed the animals in some way? I dunno. I always put them back where I found them so I don't see whats so wrong but ohwell. What's done is done xD
In my books it is worth getting arrested for i don’t mind getting a criminal record for holding these beautiful wild animals:lol:

I see quite a few beardies out my way. Most of the time they let you walk right up to them and pick them up. I've come across the odd agro one, but all in all they are a beautiful lizard. A couple of weeks ago I came across one in the middle of the road and typical me, trying to act macho in front of my wife stopped the car and picked him up. This one decided to swing around and grab me on the tip of the finger. I quickly relocated him off the road and got back in the car trying to pretend I hadn't been bitten, which was quite difficult as I was bleeding a bit. My wife thought I was a real duffer when I eventually told her of the lizards little victory ;)

BTW, that is one big beardie....
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