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Active Member
Dec 31, 2012
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Melbourne, Vic
I currently am feeding my 3-4 month old central bearded dragons ( around 50 crickets a day if not more ) as they dont eat vegies or fruits or greens as i bought them from a shop.

at what age do i only feed them once every 2 days, and i only put calcuim on every 2nd feed?
whats the best way to get them to eat there greens?

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and do i leave greens in their the whole time after there feeding on greens?
start offering greens a few hours before the first cricket meal, no full dragon is gonna get interested in the boring stuff, lol,....

to get them interested i offer bits by hand, or poke around at the plate to get them at least noticing the salads, put it on the basking spot so the dragon is constantly walking over it. keep up the insect feeding for now as you want ur dragon to be in top condition incase it slows its eating when winter approaches,..

theres no such thing as leaving greens in the whole day once theyre eating well,...mine have polished off every last scrap or salad within 30 seconds of it hitting their enclosures,.....if i offered them more they would be obese.
sweet and ate what age to i feed them every 2nd day?

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start offering greens a few hours before the first cricket meal, no full dragon is gonna get interested in the boring stuff, lol,....

to get them interested i offer bits by hand, or poke around at the plate to get them at least noticing the salads, put it on the basking spot so the dragon is constantly walking over it. keep up the insect feeding for now as you want ur dragon to be in top condition incase it slows its eating when winter approaches,..

theres no such thing as leaving greens in the whole day once theyre eating well,...mine have polished off every last scrap or salad within 30 seconds of it hitting their enclosures,.....if i offered them more they would be obese.
Great advice
i offer salads daily, and just greens with a few roaches on weekend days when its more convenient.

i do skip probably one day a week of feeding if im running late for work,...they look at me like im evil on those days tho, lol,....
I have 3 Vitticeps and 3 Barbata and look after hatchlings as I do breed both species.
I feed my adults salad one day and crickets the next, I do this for all but 1 day where I dont feed them at all. As reptiles they dont need to eat every day but as lizards it is recomended to feed them atleast every second day.
At what are are your dragons? and when you say salad what veg/fruit are you meaning? I know from experience that not all will eat the same thing as some of mine love carrot and others go for the greens first.

You could try puting meal worms/beatles in with the salad to encourage them to eat from the bowl/plate.
Dont be to worried as Pogona are mostly insectivors, but try other types of vegies because not enough calcium and other nutrition that can cause MBD....
Mine all seem to love Dandy lions, give that a go :)
usually my bearded dragon refuses greens, but lately ive been giving them to her before she feeds on crickets or woodies and well she loves them, and i find she eats alot less woodies and crickets. also, im not sure where you live but with these hot days my beardie has been eating nearly twice as many greens, just because of the heat.
usually my bearded dragon refuses greens, but lately ive been giving them to her before she feeds on crickets or woodies and well she loves them, and i find she eats alot less woodies and crickets. also, im not sure where you live but with these hot days my beardie has been eating nearly twice as many greens, just because of the heat.

at what age do you only feed them insects every 2nd day?
my beardie is 18months, and i feed her everyday, insects and greens, but thats because she was underfed with her last owner and i want her to grow for breeding season, soi do spoil her, but i reckon it is best to give them a little something every day.
i was leaving all greens in there than couldnt be bothered with it and left carrot and then went back 5 min later and they were hammering it so know i just mix strawberry and broccoli with there carrot with calcium over it i havent heard of feeding em every 2nd day i feed mine every day if ur having trouble with crickets you might have to learn to breed ur self or buy bulk from some sellers on here pet shops are rip offs
depending on how well ur beardy has grown, you can start offering crickets every second day at around 8 months, but continue to offer salad daily.

you want your beardies diet to be 80% veg/20% insects by the time its 12-18 months old (again depending on growth)
start offering greens a few hours before the first cricket meal, no full dragon is gonna get interested in the boring stuff, lol,....

to get them interested i offer bits by hand, or poke around at the plate to get them at least noticing the salads, put it on the basking spot so the dragon is constantly walking over it. keep up the insect feeding for now as you want ur dragon to be in top condition incase it slows its eating when winter approaches,..

theres no such thing as leaving greens in the whole day once theyre eating well,...mine have polished off every last scrap or salad within 30 seconds of it hitting their enclosures,.....if i offered them more they would be obese.

that all sounds good except for the last bit ,no creature is going to get obese eating greens
that all sounds good except for the last bit ,no creature is going to get obese eating greens

wish someone would tell my dragons that, i cant imagine theyre fat off 3-5 roaches a week,.....it must be the greens!!!
If the lizard won't take the veggies at all try a vibrating plate, it worked a treat for my beardies. You can get them from most pet shops
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