Central or eastern beardie?

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Not so new Member
Jan 8, 2013
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Bought this little guy 2 days ago but forgot to ask if he was a central or an eastern guess I was just too excited to think about it.


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heya looks like its a eastern, did you buy him from a breeder?
is there something wrong with its body looks kinda funny looking lol
heya looks like its a eastern, did you buy him from a breeder?
is there something wrong with its body looks kinda funny looking lol
Nah reptile store. It's back is pretty wrinkly and it's a very spiky one that's how I got him.
Looks nothing like my Central, so I'm going with Eastern, how old? for some reason i looks quite undernourished...
I would be less worried about an ID than making sure he gets some weight to him.
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What is the species name that they put on your licencing paperwork?
If you post up a photo from above I can help with an ID, BUT as has been said the condition of the little guy doesn't look good.

With the jaw line malformation it almost looks indicative of Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD), this is treatable but sometimes the damage can lead to many health issues and even death.

I would get him VET checked and hit the shop up for the cost if it is found to have issues, also worth knowing pet shops and commercial licensee have a 7 day cooling off period where you can return your animal. This is a DSE specification.

All the best.
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Looks like an Eastern...in horrible condition! Get some wax worms into him, will help him put on some weight quick fast (Not too many though) along with a diet ofcrickets and woodies and veg (Bok choi isthe best! Full of vitamins :D) Dusting the meals in powder should help as well
He looks really dehydrated as well :(
Get him to a herp vet
Good luck with him!
(Oh an easy way to tell: Easterns have yellow mouths :D)
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bad pic for an id, get a photo from above. he does look really bad, feed him up and mist him to make sure he is getting water, don't forget every secound day to dust his food with calcium and vitamin powerd.
Here is some more pictures of him in the bath. He won't eat woodies or any type of salad only mealworms.


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Here is some more pictures of him in the bath. He won't eat woodies or any type of salad only mealworms.

maybe try crickets, try to use different vegetables mine love pumpkin and carrots,and buk choy, mealworms as a staple isnt good for them as it is hard for them to digest the carapace(shell) of the mealworm feeding them 2 or 3 is alright, correct me if im wrong
maybe try crickets, try to use different vegetables mine love pumpkin and carrots,and buk choy, mealworms as a staple isnt good for them as it is hard for them to digest the carapace(shell) of the mealworm feeding them 2 or 3 is alright, correct me if im wrong
Yeah I know but better than nothing till I can get him on woodies and salad. Also I'm pretty sure mealworms are all the pet shop were giving him. Didn't see any signs of salad in any of the beadie enclosures. I'll try crickets are they better than woodies?
mix a few mealworms in a bowl with a small amount of salad
Slowly every feed increase salad decrease mealworms
my old beardies loved grated carrot, chopped buk choy and even small pieces of banana
That dragon will benefit more from protein rich insects than greens at the moment.
looks eastern, definatly needs to eat more. gut load all crickets and woodies before feeding him.
agree with other comments. Congrats on getting him. once you fatten him up he will be great.
Since my girlfriend moved in, she thinks I've been "spoiling" her beardies. What I did to get them eating veggies again was put a pile of greens so they see it then drop one or two worms on it. They get all excited, grab the mealie and some veg, then just keep eating veggies.

You could also try feeding him some kind of berry, though in small amounts. Strawberries and blueberries. Her beardies go crazy for mustard and collard greens. They will eat leaf spinach but aren't real fond of it.

Give him a tub of water just deep enough so that it comes to his belly. He will hop in and soak.


There is her setup I just finished for them.

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