Children python mating

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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
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hi all just seen my childrens pythons in the act i was told by some that they dont breed until 2/3 years :? so if they are mating now will it be a success with having not been put through cooling and still feeding well:)
If they haven't been cooled then it's highly unlikely
that their mating will result successful breeding/laying etc.. :rolleyes:
not sure how old they are so i cant give you very accurate advice but i breed children and i find that you dont have to do much to get them to breed sometimes the conditions are right with out trying. saying that its best not to let them breed untill 3 years (or later if they are not close to full size, you'll cause problems for the female as her body may not be ready to handle that type of stress) if you have seen the breeding did you see the cloacas joined? or just wraped up together. i dont know your experence so i'm sorry if you know more than i think. i have not had any snakes try to breed under 3 years old but i keep them all apart so i'm not sure if it happens very often. if they are infact breeding i would stop feeding the female and move the boy out if she is young and is pregnant you want to remove all possible stresses and stop her from spending energy on digesting otherwise it could go bad for her. you probably wont see any physical changes that would indicate a pregnancy but you never know later in the year you may find some little eggs!!
sorry itbites, but i have had many successful clutches with out cooling, sometimes the cool off can happen with out human interferance and with out us noticing remember the normal climate can affect the climate of our snake rooms and tanks
It is debated if you need to cool antaresia or not for breeding, i don't know of anyone who has had success from not cooling, but the arguement gets thrown around a bit so i assume maybe a few have had unexpected clutches. I suppose anyone intentionally breeding are going to cool their animals, noone can be 100% positive that you wont get eggs from thhis pair, only time will tell.

From what i understand if the female isn't ready she won't lay eggs. People do breed antaresia quite small and apparently easily at 18 months of age.
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