Class 2 animals

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2007
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So i rang the licensing department today and asked about if i applied (as i have applied) to keep these 3 species/families as i had previous experience with the families do i need to do something extra to add species/families later on, and what i was basically told by them was if i have class two license i can keep anything on class two which i like! Just seems sorta odd to me though.
I have read a similar story before, may have even been by Saximus, but the general consensus was that you'd apply for your Class 2 stating the desire to keep a similar species to what you already have experience with. Then once the license was issued you could keep any Class 2 species you wanted.
Yeah I asked ages ago and got confirmation directly from the department. Like I said in the other thread, I am pretty sure it's a big loophole that they just can't be bothered enforcing because it would be too hard. Imagine having to go through every person's record to check how long they've owned every family of animal they buy
Yes, basically you only need 2 years experience with a single family/type of herp to be considered for a Class 2 (C2) licence.

To be honest, loophole or not, I can't see the problem with it... There aren't that many animals on C2 that are much harder to keep in my opinion.
Yeah, it's ridiculous.... I had my class 1 nsw licence, wanted to branch out and get a class 2... Applied for the purposes of acquiring a lace monitor as my brother kept lacies for years and I already had a few years experience with lacies but had kept no other monitors.... It was knocked back... 3 weeks later I applied for a class 2 for a western or northern blue tongue (can't remember now) and was given a class 2 no probs.... Bought a Lacie as my first class 2 reptile and had no dramas from NSWPWS.....
and what i was basically told by them was if i have class two license i can keep anything on class two which i like! Just seems sorta odd to me though.

I don't get what the problem is? If you proved you can keep a bluey/carpet alive for 2 years, they expand your choices and let you do the same to something rarer. I guess they expect that within that two years the keeper will eventually mingle with other herpers or research, and realise the difficulty of some species over others and make a somewhat educated choice on their next reptile. No one's forcing you to go buy a lacie, there's cooler stuff on class 2 in my opinion anyways :)
The last thing I'd want is more restrictions on the licence
Although I think the species list may need some revision, I think that the two year waiting period is a good thing.

There are plenty of interesting species on the R1 list that should more than satisfy most beginners. The waiting period would most likely prevent impulse buys and ensure that some of the less common species are kept only by those with a genuine and sustained passion for the hobby.
You can get an advanced licence here before even getting a basic! It's ridiculous! 'Here take this licence with no experience, sure venomous won't bite and these animals don't need special care '
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