Classic & Hypo bredli-differences?

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Not so new Member
Dec 16, 2009
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Brisbane Qld
Hey everyone I have kept a couple of classic Bredli pythons and at the moment I have a great specimen (possibly my favourite from my collection). But I have noticed that there is obviously the difference of darker stripes/blotches on the classic as apposed to the hypo, but I also noticed that the hypomelanistic seems to have a larger head than the classic. Is this normal and healthy for the animals? I've seen animals on herp trader for sale that are the same age and approximate size but the hypo seem to have a much larger head (males and females) than the classic form. Thanks for any input you can give me! :)
they do not have a larger head. they are the same species. younger more slender pythons can give this impression sometimes. and it also come down to the individual animal as well.
The only difference is hypo lacks black pigmentation.Otherwise exactly the same.
I keep both forms myself and i have not noticed any difference in head sizes.
the only difference between the two is the lack of black pigmentation on the hypo.
you have to be very lucky to have a good hypo that stays true to that as it turns into its adult colours.
my female "hypo" was perfect for the first 12 months, not one speck of black on her, then in the last 12 months she has started to develop a little black. shame, but still gorgeous none the same.
you have to be very lucky to have a good hypo that stays true to that as it turns into its adult colours.
my female "hypo" was perfect for the first 12 months, not one speck of black on her, then in the last 12 months she has started to develop a little black. shame, but still gorgeous none the same.

This is soooo true.... MOST carpet's change considerably between 2 and 3, not changing much after this point, maybe just getting duller or darker.

I actually have a stunning pair of 3 yr old Male's. Both around 2kg mark and max out at 2.1mts long, have no black. Would sell for purchase cost.
Also have a 3mt adult male, has a very small amount of black edging toward his tail.
hypomelanistic: meaning it has reduced black pigment

You would be hard pressed to find a bredli without any black or marron colouring on its back 1/3 of its body when it reaches adulthood.
The less " black " the better the hypo........:D
There are no other differences. Snakes can just naturally vary from individual to individual.
I have 2 classic Bredli, same day hatched (Jan 13 '09), unrelated.
My male is considerably larger than my female, yet they're both on the same feeding regime.
They're both healthy & growing, it's just my male seems to be growing quicker, so he has a bigger head, thicker body etc.
I knew the hypo has less melanin which means less dark colour/pigment but it was just a wonder... The animals I looked at were both around 6 feet in length but one's head was considerably larger, oh well, as some of you have said snakes obviously do vary significantly. Thanks for the input everyone!
Yeah I found that out when I met my python's father! (not to mention its' surprisingly massive, placid and beautiful mother).
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