Common tree snake in workshop...move it?

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Feb 16, 2013
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I know nothing about snake, but I've discovered a baby (very tiny) common tree snake (at least that's what it looks like) in my workshop under the house.

It's been there in the same place for about 4 days, and doesn't look like it is taking it easy after a meal or anything like that. Starting to get worried it may have chosen a bad place to camp (scarcity of food etc).

Should I help it in anyway? I.e. relocate it to the garden or nearby forest? Or should I just let it be? I'm really only worried about its well being (i.e. that it ended up in an bad spot for a snake to survive), although I'd prefer not to have a full size snake sharing the workshop in the future.

Any advice appreciated.

Just let it be see if it moves when its ready if its a week down the track maybe get someone to get it
Just let it be see if it moves when its ready if its a week down the track maybe get someone to get it

Are you able to get a picture? It's not a good idea to attempt removal of a snake if you are not 100% certain on the I.D

If it is a common tree snake (Dendrelaphis punctulata) they are usually found in houses during hot weather where they try to escape the heat. If it is a common tree snake there is no harm in moving him outside either.
View attachment 282117

Thanks for the replies. I've posted a pic, to confirm the ID. Don't mind snakes being around, just don't like the heart attack when I accidentally pick one up when rummaging for tools, or sit/back onto one :)
OK hopefully this will work:

Yes, that is a common tree snake (Dendrelaphis punctulata). They are great at getting themselves in places but not so great and getting themselves out. I would take it and release it outside personally.
Where are you located? If you aren't too far from me I would be happy to come and move him along.

And thanks for not killing or harming the little fella, a lot of people would have killed it.
I'm located in Salisbury. I've no problems in moving him outside (assume no harm in just tipping him into a shoebox). But feel free to come rescue him if you know you can drop him somewhere where he'd have a better chance of surviving (I have a fenced off garden I'd probably move it to, but I have chickens in the other parts which'd end his days pretty quickly - at him current size at least).
Judging from his eye in the photo, he's hanging around in the one spot until he finishes shedding his skin. If he's still there in a week, then maybe think about moving him along.
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