Concerns about coastal

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Not so new Member
Jun 2, 2009
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I took my snake to the vet to get some greent browny patches on her belly scales looked at
Its day 2 of getting her the anti bacterial wash and the cream to treat what the vet said was( and i assumed was) scale rot.
However, the vet took a swab from right under one of the infected areas of scales. which has now fallen off and left my little baby with a bare path and it is red in pathes in it. also, when i bathe her in the solution.* she is being so good about it !) She goes to the toilet, but its the light green/white soft solid(the scale rot is also on the scale bit that covers her bum) . shouldnt the vet have done a fecal smear? and not like taken off her scales?
Whats with the green poo? Is this normal for snakes suffering scale rot?
and how does scale rot heel, do the infected scales die and fall off.. i just need an idea of seeing how the treatment is working.
also she hasnt eaten in almost 4 weeks, she has refused to eat, could this be because she is sick? would feeding her be a bad idea as i have to handle her everyday to treat her scale rot of the chance of a gurge?
Any help or advice is appreciated. Thank you!
green poo. sounds a worry. talk with the treating vet about it. scale rot heals like a sore on you. scale rot is normally caused by a wet and dirty enclosure. so make sure your enclosure is clean and dry. best to use butches paper as a substrate and change it every day till the rot has healed. once healed it may take up to a year for scales to repair. it will get better with each shed
ah the photos wont come up in the forum, im trying through photo bucket, is that right?
i think the scale rot was caused by the fact she doesnt shed well, and always needs help to get shed off and sheds in patches as her enclosure is cleaned every 2 days and not wet or dirty at all
you will probably find that the problems shedding are caused by the scale rot not the other way araound
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Album link to photos just taken, it turned that really dark colour like withing 10mins after washing her in the disinfectant and putting the cream on her. The wound looking bit in one of the photos is where the scales fell off from the swab and is now red and looks sore. Its all down her lower half. none in the top or middle of her belly. As soon as i noticed the marks on her which werent as bad as this 2 days ago i took he straight to vet, they seem to have got worse in appearance since starting the treatment for it. and oh okay i heard that if the old skin stays on and sticks down to the new is can grow bacteria inbetween and cause scale rot.

theres a pretty little one of her head to just so you can all see how gorgeous she is!
the link works just click on it and it takes you to the album
yeah that doesnt look nice, alot of those scales will fall off, its a good thing gets rid of the dead tissue, hoepfully it heals for you. keep the enclosure emaculate and stick with the treatment. yeah retained shed cna cause infections, but yeah with bad skin they also shed very badly. if you are planing on feeding it, keep the meals very small as to not stretch the healing area. just watch its weight and you can soak it is luke warm saline solution as well, will keep the snake hydrated and clean, bout a teaspoon diluted in a litre.
can you post a few pics of your enclosure and also post temps.

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she is a beautiful little coastal, but those sores look nasty! poor thing.

where abouts are you in queensland?? maybe someone will know of a different vet that you could try or someone would be willing to come out and help you out...

also pics of the enclosure would be good as said above
will post all of that asap. and im in west end in brisbane. Im a first time snake owner so im not experienced with snakes and i love her dearly and am willing to do absolutely anything to make sure she is healthy( that should be a unspoken rule with pet owners, but some pets arent so lucky)
Do not handle your snake unnecessarily (eg. only handle her when you absolutely need to). Increased stress (which comes from handling) could hinder your snake's recovery.

As has been asked, can you post pictures of your enclosure and what temperatures you keep it at?
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