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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
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Hey guys,

I am just in the process of constructing a bank of six enclosures measuring about 2FT(H) X 2FT(L) X 2FT(W) each. I just have a couple of queries-

1) I have decided to go with ceramics over light globes. Living in Sydney, what strength ceramic globe would be about right to heat enclosures of that size? I was thinking maybe 100W would be heaps.....the enclosures will be housing Childreni, Stimsoni and Maccies.

2) As each enclosure is pretty much square shaped, where abouts should I place the thermostats is each enclosure?? I was thinking perhaps midway up the back wall on the left hand side with the ceramics in the rear right corner.

Any tips and pointers would be much appreciated.

Cheers. :)
100watts should be heaps, too much if they are not on a thermostat and or dimmers. Depending upon how the bank is arranged (2x3, 3,2 6x1, 1x6) you may get away with less than 6 thermostats, you may need just one if they are all side by side ;-)

You will need light cages around the ceramics.

If they are small you may also wish to put stockings over the light cages to stop the snakes getting too close to the heat source.

I would mount the light cages on the ceiling of the enclosures, not the back wall and the thermostats two thirds of the way up the back wall and in the middle. Remember to check the thermostat settings against a thermometer and not the graduations on the thermostat.
100w would be tons in that size, something smaller would be more ideal.

Put the therm half way down smach bang in the middle, well thats what i do and it gives a good temp gradiant.

Goodluck and remember pics or it didn't happen!
Snakester, 100 watts is too much for enclosures of that size. 60 watts is what you need, they'll work perfectly. I place thermostats in the centre of the back wall, but because you cages are only 2ft long, you may want to position the thermostats a little more towards the cool end. Its best not to have thermostats too close to the heat source.
I would also only go with a 60w ceramic, 75 at max. I have a few 2x2x2 enclosures and I run the lights in the back corner. If they are side by side I place the globes so that they sit right beside each other in the respective cabinets, In other words if it was one unit, bith the globes would be beside each other in the centre. It will give you a better heat gradient.
Thanks everyone for the handy hints!

I already have the protective cages for the cermics I just needed to decide on the wattage. Based on general consensus I will go with the 60W ceramics then. What would be the best brand for the ceramics or are they all pretty much the same? I reckon I will probably go Pearlco this time. Cheers Hugsta on the placement tip, I am installing the cages this weekend and wiring them.

As for the thermostats I will put them on the back wall half way up and slightly off centre away from the ceramic heat source. Thanks Serpenttongue thats what I was worried about.....I thought I might not get a good gradient and hot spot happenning if the ceramic was too close to the thermostat.

The pics will be forthcoming.....once I have the ceramics sorted I have just got to fork out the dosh for the glass. Not looking forward to that part! At this stage looks like I will just be getting 4mm panes.
Make sure to throw up some pics when you have finished snakester.
Hey guys,

My bank of enclosures is finally up and operational! I actually finished this project back in October and have just been lazy in posting the pics. It worked out quite for my first attempt and all the critters are very happy with the new facilities. Its the beginning of the end cause I have taken over the spare room and now there is no stopping me....wohahaha.

Sorry about the dodgy pics but I couldn't keep out of the reflection. :?
Wow, a thermostat in each cage. I would have saved loads of money and used a good quality probe thermostat placed in one cage.
Nice one mate, look very well built :) Have you used sink strainers doubled up for those vents?
I usualy put mine on the back walls as that way you only need to use them on the inside as the outside is not seen.
Thanks for the comments everyone.

Boa- Initially I was going with the probe thermostat and like you say it would have been a helluva lot cheaper, but then I later changed the design so as to break up the enclosures. The bank actually breaks up into 3 separate lots of 2 enclosures horizontally if you know what I mean. This just makes splitting the bank up in the future and moving it easier, it also made working on them easier too! :)

Afro- Yeah mate sink strainers they are. One on each side secured with a rivet. Got em for 50c each from memory.

Heres a pic of some of the residents-
well done it looks great. im going to build another bans soon, and it will be the same, each will be seperate 2 ft cubed enclosure, that way i can stack them and move them easily. love the childreni aswell, im asuming they are caremels?
Sorry for being offline for a bit.


The more distinctly patterned snake in that pic is an Eastern Stimsons Python which I purchased from a very reputable breeder here in Sydney. I have heard this form referred to as a yellow.

The other snake in that pic is one that I purchased as a Childrens Python from a not so well known breeder who I have since been unable to contact. This breeder was an older guy and may have just called all of his antaresia varieties Childrens as opposed to actual Childrens, Maccies or Stimos. Several people have since told me that this snake actually looks far more like a Stimsons than a Childrens. Its hard to tell from that pic because it is just about to slough. Perhaps this is a caramel I am not really sure to tell you the truth. Anyone able to tell from the head scales?
that enclosure has everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink!
Nice enclosures snakester i can see you have put in allot of effort well done, just keep an eye on your snakes if they climb on top of those light cages as they could get burnt
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