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sorry but if your living under your parents roof you have to do as they say, if you want a snake wait till you move out

bringing one home and telling her to suck it up will not win you any points, its very disrespectful to her

if my child did that i would contact the local national parks people and have them come and remove it whether you paid for it or not is irrelevant

honestly how disrespectful are some of you to suggest he just buy one, bring it home and to hell with his mothers feelings
Talk about it when your parents are in a good mood. Don't fight about it. Be respectful and patient.
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I'd also recommend not harping on about it either. Always pushing at every chance can sometimes be more of a deterrant than a step closer (from my experience anyway).
i just asked near my b'day and kept saying how im going to care for it to show i actually know how to care for it so yehhh
sorry but if your living under your parents roof you have to do as they say, if you want a snake wait till you move out

bringing one home and telling her to suck it up will not win you any points, its very disrespectful to her

if my child did that i would contact the local national parks people and have them come and remove it whether you paid for it or not is irrelevant

honestly how disrespectful are some of you to suggest he just buy one, bring it home and to hell with his mothers feelings

1) Jeannie is right a parent’s uninformed decision should be the basis for you not getting anything you ask for until you move out of home. Parents are not reasonable people and cannot be negotiated with.

2) Tell your mum that as you cannot have a snake, you are going to spend the money that you had saved on a very large snake tattoo.
sorry but if your living under your parents roof you have to do as they say, if you want a snake wait till you move out

bringing one home and telling her to suck it up will not win you any points, its very disrespectful to her

if my child did that i would contact the local national parks people and have them come and remove it whether you paid for it or not is irrelevant

honestly how disrespectful are some of you to suggest he just buy one, bring it home and to hell with his mothers feelings
I'm pretty sure national parks would not come and remove a pet that was purchased and documented legally. You are right though, it is a respect thing and the emphasis should be on education. Most people are afraid of them because of irrational fears that come about from lack of knowledge. I don't really know how to educate closed minded people like this though. When you find out make sure you let us know because you will have cracked a problem that has plagued the herp world for many years.
By the way when you do manage to convince her watch the change that occurs. My mum wasn't thrilled about it but now it's the first thing she shows people when they come over :)
i'm still working on my mum, but i'm also 24 and i do with my dosh what i like, mum doesn't want a snake....tough titties coz its happening i'm very respectful towards her..but shes a bush kid from iron knob and i'll etch away until i break through.
Well when I wanted my tounge peirced I asked for a tattoo for months and then when I finally said " well fine if I cant have a tattoo can I get y tounge peirced" they were like "OH GOD YES IL TAKE YOU , NOW !" lol

So maybe try asking for a salty for afew months and then c how you go asking for a small python lmfao .... Good Luck :)
Well when I wanted my tounge peirced I asked for a tattoo for months and then when I finally said " well fine if I cant have a tattoo can I get y tounge peirced" they were like "OH GOD YES IL TAKE YOU , NOW !" lol

So maybe try asking for a salty for afew months and then c how you go asking for a small python lmfao .... Good Luck :)

bahahahaha too funny. must admit when i was 15 i went and got 3 tatts and then came home and showed mum. she freaked rang the tattooist up and told him i was underage and was told that she should know where her kids are then! lol

i do agree with torahs plan though!! and the one about borrowing a friends snake so that they can get used to it.
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Ok if you wanna convince your mum I suggest:
- show you have enough responsibility to handle a snake as a pet (although honestly theyre not as hard as some other animals!)
- show youve done your research. regularly tell her some interesting facts that youve found (especially if its about a particular species that you want)
- without badgering her, tell her that after the initial cost (enclosure, heating etc) that it is a very clean and cheap animal to keep.
- remind her that it is NON-VENOMOUS.
- get hands on experience from friends that have snakes... take your mum with you and show her how confident you are in handling.
- i'm guessing shes also worried about it getting out. show her the enclosures and how safe they are.

My mum didn't need much convincing, as we had a friend who bred snakes, then my cousin bought a jungle and then his brother bought an albino darwin so I had handled all that and I knew what kind of responsibility it was and I researched heaps and went to reptile shops frequently. My mum actually said 'get a snake, but dont you dare being home a frog'. LOL what kind of logic is that?!
Has she given you the exact reasons why? If I is a fear of snakes then you need to do work on that first. See if you locate some good video footage, like Steve I as suggested. Something with young kids handling pythons would be great. Then step it up to looking at the real thing behind glass. Maybe a friend’s collection she can go with you to see. Once she can cope with that, you handling a small python in her presence.

It is important to take it one step at a time and not rush it. Make certain she is comfortable with what she is seeing BEFORE you step it up to the next level. You probably also need to earn some extra brownie points by helping out around the house or yard. That way you have a lot more leverage when you ask her to look at something with you. You’ve done tour bit for her and now you are simply asking her to return the favour. This has the added advantage that she can SEE how much it means to you if you are prepared to put in some genuine hard work and time to get what you want.

If I was to recommend the ideal first snake, you couldn’t go past a woma. Once you get their feeing response worked out and realise they are total gluttons, so you only feed them what you want and not what they want, magic! The most laid back, easy to handle, non-aggressive of pythons. They do get to 2 m so you do have to have enough space for that cage. Stimmies are a great first snake as well. Easy to handle and feed, although some hatchlings take a while to get started but once they do they are good. Lots of character and grow to just short of a metre, so readily housed inside. Over-sized worms they most definitely are not!
you might be 24 but its HER house, HER rules and if you dont like them maybe its time for you to save up and move out then you can do what you want when you want

if you want to be treated like an adult then act like one

telling your mother her fears are stupid and you will bring a snake into HER home knowing she does NOT like them is the act of a spoilt brat who needs reminding who exactly pays the rent/mortgage where you live

if you were my son and turned up with a snake it and you would be out in the front yard looking for a new place to live

what a rude and disrespectful CHILD you are, showing her video's of snakes, getting her reading material is treating her like the child and your trying to bend her to YOUR rules, some of us just dont like snakes its a fact of life and we dont have to GET OVER IT, you have to accept it

i dont like snakes but i still allowed my son to have one at one stage, hell i even fed the damn thing rats but that was MY decision, like it or not your mother does not like them so stop trying to push your needs onto her
good luck mate ive only been trying for 3 years :D
and ofcourse im allowed to own huge pedes and T's LOL
you might be 24 but its HER house, HER rules and if you dont like them maybe its time for you to save up and move out then you can do what you want when you want

if you want to be treated like an adult then act like one

telling your mother her fears are stupid and you will bring a snake into HER home knowing she does NOT like them is the act of a spoilt brat who needs reminding who exactly pays the rent/mortgage where you live

if you were my son and turned up with a snake it and you would be out in the front yard looking for a new place to live

what a rude and disrespectful CHILD you are, showing her video's of snakes, getting her reading material is treating her like the child and your trying to bend her to YOUR rules, some of us just dont like snakes its a fact of life and we dont have to GET OVER IT, you have to accept it

i dont like snakes but i still allowed my son to have one at one stage, hell i even fed the damn thing rats but that was MY decision, like it or not your mother does not like them so stop trying to push your needs onto her

you might be 24 but its HER house, HER rules and if you dont like them maybe its time for you to save up and move out then you can do what you want when you wantactually its not HER house, we rent and don't tell me i should move out when you know nothing further than what i've said.

if you want to be treated like an adult then act like one he's asking her isn't he?

telling your mother her fears are stupid and you will bring a snake into HER home knowing she does NOT like them is the act of a spoilt brat who needs reminding who exactly pays the rent/mortgage where you live i don't believe anthing was said about her fears being stupid, stop twisting the poor kids words.

if you were my son and turned up with a snake it and you would be out in the front yard looking for a new place to live thats your perogotive

what a rude and disrespectful CHILD you are, showing her video's of snakes, getting her reading material is treating her like the child and your trying to bend her to YOUR rules, some of us just dont like snakes its a fact of life and we dont have to GET OVER IT, you have to accept it no its educating her on them, they are severely misunderstood creatures, each up to there own but i'm going to take my mum to a friends house that has a snake and introduce need to get over the fact we all have different approaches and that some will work and some won't

i dont like snakes but i still allowed my son to have one at one stage, hell i even fed the damn thing rats but that was MY decision, like it or not your mother does not like them so stop trying to push your needs onto her
its not a need its a want. *Facepalm*

no kidding hey
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