if you are that ultra concerned of room temp but wish to maintain an individualised temp gradient on your click clack then move it as easily moved being so small and portable.
the coldest rooms in any house are always bathroom, laundry and toilet , not that i suggest the toilet as it may scare the poo out of friends or family but they are in the right room for that to happen
these are colder than other rooms due to design and tiling and size , anyone walk in to your bathroom now and and you will notice its cooler than other rooms
but a room of 30 degrees isnt anything to panick about yet , other alternatives would be as mentioned ice bottle but i would sit them on outside of click clack not inside as a python will find a way to get between towel and ice block and secondly take up to much room inside click clack or if you can get a large styrofoam box no lid!! like what commercial fruit shops use and sit the click clack in that as they hold cooler temp varients as this is what eskys are made from .
but just simpler to maybe place in laundry or bathroom during daytime if really concerned until you grt your aircon.
give it a try you have nothin to lose, as this would only work for items such as click clacks as there is no room for a 4ft enclosure in your bathroom lol
but i dont think you have to much to worry at moment as just checked my python room where this more just a click clack in there lots of enclosures lots of lights all on thermos and the room temp is currently 28' and its quite comfortable as room heats up lights go down the joy of thermos