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im a 15 year old boy and i still love going out to have a look at reptiles. as kids didnt yous ever go looking for lizards or snakes with your mates ? ( directed at flamers)
couldn't agree more

Wow, where'd this thread come from all of a sudden.

For your infomation my fiancee CAN tell the difference between a RBB and a Copperhead, but if you saw the colour of some of the Copperheads we get down here you may be left to wonder also and when you get a flash of colour before it disappears into the underbrush it can be a little decieving. I'd know, I was there.

Couldn't agree with you more Moose, We'll leave the protected wildlife alone when somebody actually starts PROTECTING them.
Mate it could really be either as we have had a lot of copperheads around churchill/boolara. What did its head look like ie colour. Im sure if you tried to tail it you would have seen the colour of its belly also.
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this is a copper head that i relocated of a building site it doesnt show in the photo but it had a reddish belly and darker than normalcopper head.4.jpg
I once caught a copperhead on a callout,just bagged it and said copperhead as that is what is the most common in the particular area.
Not untill the release did i realise that it was actually a blacksnake.
I should have taken a better look at it but i didnt on this occasion
Not that im an expert or anything but I have seen enough copperheads and blacks to know the difference.
We get copperheads with very dark(almost black) on top with red sides.
P.s I quite often go herping and dont take a camera, so it's not unusual i think.
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If you can't tell the difference between a red belly and a copperhead, you shouldn't be tailing any snakes that have venom.

jimi i would advise you yo read the post before u make a smart comment.
He has not said once he has picked it up or made contact with the snake
he simply asked a question.

there is no need for flaming for this reason
this issue is over a year old, still remember it having orangie red side scales very distinctly and solid black on it's back. i have seen some different variations of colour in both red bellies and copperheads since i've been down here now and can say it was a red belly. was decieving though as it was quick to move out of the way

Its always good to go herping,depending on what your doing exactly..The fact you had no camera says alot imo.

:rolleyes: for your information we went herping, and therefore had our camera, even got photo's of an emu on the way, snakeygirl was getting out of the car with the camera and i was going to tail it so that we could get photo's of it.... so i don't really care what you may think, also those that say i shouldn't be tailing if i don't know what it is well more fool you as i had a fair idea of what it was, A VEN that was either a RBBS or a LC... not like i said or caught it saying it was a python when in fact it was a taipan, so spare me that crap i'm not interested in reading it.

spot on the mark there moose.
Hey reptilian guy, i reckon your cool, regardless whether you pick 'em up or not because you use normal names that i can understand instead of ****y sci-fi names that i cant even read let alone comprehend!!!
I will have a look for some photos for you and post them shortly.
Oh...there's a photo of a highland copperhead (austrelaps copperheadisis highlandisisisis for the nerds) in my avatar!!! thats a starting point for you mate.
Highland copperhead,



And here is a video i took of a highland copperhead while i was fishing last summer

My wife (rett82 from this site) photographed this ripper last week,


And a few more


A blurry one taken in low light to give you a different perspective,RBBS

And here is a bit of footage of a RBBS i took a few weeks back,


I see a lot of snakes when im fishing, but the copperheads and blacks are easily confused. I only ever see highland copperheads up here though, we dont get the common copperheads as far as i know. Many times for me i know its a RBBS simply by the location, but when im up in the mountains sometimes it takes a little guessing.

This might sound silly to many people, but i reckon the highland copperheads seem to be less shiny than the RBBS. Perhaps the RBBS that i have seen have all recently shed, or just got out of the water, i dont know!!LOL Maybe its a coincidence, but the blacks seem more of a "gloss" finish than the copperheads!!!
i dont think many people on this site at all can say they have never picked up a wild snake for the hell of it, therefore dont bag others
As for picking up reptiles......bite me!!!



Im sure the wildlife officers have more important things to worry about than well meaning people picking up a lizzard or a snake for a look, and then releasing it unharmed.
Its illegal to drive with your elbow out the window...and even the cops do it,
Its illegal to do a U turn at traffic lights,
Its illegal to revers out your driveway onto the opposite side of the road,
Its illegal to do a U turn at traffic lights,
Its illegal for people under 18 to drink alcohol,
Come on people, get with the program. The poor fella asked a genuine question and you treat him like he is some kind of criminal!!! I reckon you ought to concentrate on the ones that kill the snakes..........
i dont think many people on this site at all can say they have never picked up a wild snake for the hell of it, therefore dont bag others

I havnt......but only because i cant find a non venomous one!!LOL Unless blind snakes count, because i picked up one of them once.....:D:D:rolleyes:
I think its stupid people can't touch wild reptiles, its fine of course to kill them... its also fine to run them over on the road, or destroy there habitat. I move all reptiles I find of the road and also catch any reptile I feel like catching, not to keep just so I can get photos and have a good look at the animal, from deadly snakes to tiny skinks.

So anyone who is thinking of catching a reptile or wants to or has, go for it, keep doing it, don't listen to the do-gooders. Its your choice, better catching them then killing them! people break laws all the time, chances are, even if your caught you won't get a fine.
So anyone who is thinking of catching a reptile or wants to or has, go for it, keep doing it, don't listen to the do-gooders. Its your choice, better catching them then killing them! people break laws all the time, chances are, even if your caught you won't get a fine.

please don't be an idiot tho and be safe, snakes can KILL.
PS half the people that say don't are just hypocrites, come on, who has seen a nice python on the road and just left it to be squashed by a car, I don't think anyone who actually has a love of reptiles would leave it there.
cars can kill too, I guess we shouldn't be driving them either. I do agree though, be safe with any venomous animal, don't try anything stupid and be very careful, if you don't feel confident or don't want to risk it don't do it. If you want to fine, its your life make your own choices, within reason of course though!
you can flame away and come up with whatever excuse you want! for the record I catch snakes and its not the legal issues that bother me IMO attempting to catch a venomous snake that you cant properly identify is just plain stupidity

that was the point I was making
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