Well i have been offered from a private contact of mine (dont ask for there details) a cornsnake if i wanted one i've ever handled them just after they have hatched. While i must admit they are one of the most beautifull snakes that u can get for the price i dont know if i would take the risk as my first snake. I dont really wanna get a bredli and then 3 months later get busted by someone licenece ripped up big fine for me and so forth,,,, In all honestly if i wasn't going to get a bredli yeh i would get the cornsnake.
If we had a more variety of snakes in aus that had the same patterns and colours as a corn snake i would differ but the closest things ive seen are green tree pythons which are expensive as hell
The contact was offering me a cornsnake and an eclosure for $300 so yeh... Mind u i also saw some boa constrictors he has >< I think he has a private licence or does something that allows him to keep em.