who cares if there illegal, 30k is abit much for a penalty. You don't get that fine for dealing illicit drugs. Cats are more harmful anyway,,they should be illegal.
Its not just the legal side, some ppl care about our biodiversity. They are much worse than illicit drugs as 1 individual keeping exotics is capable of establishing a population, this may cost millions to fix or simply further destroy our biodiversity. I really cant see how a few ppl getting wasted on drugs has more impact on the country than risking our biodiversity by keeping potentially invasive species. Sure there are good experienced keepers who keep them with minimal to no risk, but i would imagine most exotics would be in the hands of uneducated morons who probably wouldnt even know what the word ecosystem meant. Also many of the corn morphs look way to stupid for them to survive in the wild, but i would imagine there may be wildtype ones around too, if there are as many as some claim.