Well-Known Member
Are you absolutely insane ???????? It has recently been scientifically proven there is a link between the onset of schizophenia and the use of cannabis (google it if you dont beleive me). If you need me to find the research I will. Therefore it is undoubtedly more harmful than alcohol. There has been recent pressure on the government because of these research findings to go back to outlawing the use of cannabis. However at this stage the government have decided not to act on these recommendations. However with a shange of government it may well be back on the agenda again.
Pretty ignorant. Did you also read the part where cannabinoids have a direct link to healing certaint malignant cells? It has been proven to reduce the onset of cancer and has half the degenerative mental effects of abuse of alcohol and other drugs, not to mention it's highly unlikely to 'develop schizophrenia'. It's generally hereditary and passed on down the family. It may in fact trigger schizoprenia earlier but all that means is establishing your family history before touching the stuff -- Assuming the person consuming said drug is an adult. I completely disagree with the use of cannabis in the younger population aswell as other illicit substances.
Now that I've got that off of my chest
As for the original topic, I'd prefer not to see other 'exotics' around that could harm the native flora / fauna but at the same time I'd love to see other species which could come under a category of not being harmful that may be exotic. But I'm no expert so I really wouldn't know if that's possible..