costal carpet odd behaviour

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Not so new Member
Oct 27, 2008
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sunshine coast
we have had and 8ft female costal carpet for 3years now and in the last breeding season she looked like she was looking for something.

after a while a friend had a smaller female python (not sure of breed) but it looked nice and we bought her and introduced her to our 8fter.

now whenever we seperate them our 8ft costal seems distressed and looking for our smaller one.

can pythons form close bonds and not like being away from eachother?

and our 8ft costal is turning away food because we have seperated them for feeding. its been 4 weeks scince she ate last, and now im starting to get worried.
Are you sure your friends is a female,are you certain yours is female,cause if the other is suppose 2 be a female,it might just be a male,have you witnessed any different bahaviour between them,does your female usually turn away from her food,she might be gravid,only time will tell.imo i reckon they would form some sort of relationship,or bond,good luck......
Dont focus on not eating yet. Try to "read the snake and think of possible reasons for going off food. Have you weighed her lately? if so then do it again and if there is a big differance the she could be gravid as mensioned.

I have hatchling snakes that I got and not realised that they hadnt eaten or even had their first feed for 7 MONTHS .
So a few weeks or even a few months wont do any harm.
She could be going in to shed. Some of ours can take 2 -3 weeks to shed and go off their food.

Hope this helps
yeah my 8ft costal shed about 5 weeks ago, and i know that my 8ft one is a girl but im not totally sure about the new one. but thanks
did i read that correctly...
u put a female python in there with your 8foot python, yet you dont even know what breed it was.
havnt u heard of cross breeding.
snakes are solitary animals, i can assure you its not depressed because its "missing" the other snake.
I fogot 2 ask,just because it looks nice doesnt mean you can put it with your other snake,you dont even no what sort,species it is,it is illegal to x breed snakes,i suggest you separate them and i hope its not 2 late,as she might even be gravid atm,cheers...
were friends with a breeder and we took the new one over to him and he probed the new one aswell as my coastal, he says there both female and the new one may be a coastal. we know that out big costal is from the southern end of where they come from and the new one has the same markings but different colours, apparently its from up north queensland. we know they wont breed OR cross breed, they are both female
Thats great 2 hear,even in the same area,coastals can be alot different,colour or markings.Theres so much variety in coastals,cheers.
and were about to get another enclosure because the one we have now is getting to small for our 8ft costal and were going to seperate them because we dont want our little one getting eaten
They can live happily for years together,but the bigger can also eat the smaller one,why risk it.Some ppl have had 2 pythons the same size living together for a few years,then one day had a look,all they seen was a very fat python,one ate the other,imo i wouldnt risk it,best of luck......
im with you on that pythons 73 y risk your babies for no good reason
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