Costing of a Blue Tongue Lizard/Skink ?

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Active Member
Sep 4, 2012
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North Queensland
How much does it cost to feed the Blue Tongue Skink/lizard.
How much do I have to spend on equipment. E.g, Lights

Are they cheap costing ?

Whoa, information overload! Slow down there!

No, really we need more info from you as to what you want in your set up(size, decor, how many bluey's ect) before your highly specific questions can be answered.
blueys are very cheap reptiles
easterns and blotchies can be around $50 for adults and sometimes cheaper.
all they need is a 4x2x2 fish tank with fake grass or a substrate of your choice (could be newspaper), just get them uv and a heat lamp (60watt flood light from bunnings is enough).
i feed mine dog food, snails and sometimes fruit and mealworms
How much does it cost to feed the Blue Tongue Skink/lizard.
How much do I have to spend on equipment. E.g, Lights

Are they cheap costing ?


whoa....slow down there,if costs are your main consideration you are not the sort of person who should be thinking about keeping reptiles.Reptile keeping is for people who CARE about their critters needs and wants not the costs!!!!!if you want a cheap pet get a dog and feed it scraps.
How much does it cost to feed the Blue Tongue Skink/lizard
$5 a week at most you can feed them a mix of canned dog food, pet meat, veggies you may have some they eat in your fridge like buk choy, carrots, pumpkin etc etc just google blue tongue food or something to many to list

How much do I have to spend on equipment. E.g, Lights
If you keep indoors you would probably be best to get a uv light.
A fitting and uv light would be your most expensive outlay at about $30 for a globe and $20 for a fitting and the globe would need to be replaced every 6 months

If you keep them outdoors with direct access to uv light (no plastic/glass blocking sun from entering you won't even need this.

Since you live in north Queensland i doubt you would need to worry about heating for a blue tongue

A tank can be as expensive or cheap as you like a decent sized tub around $50 you can get some decent sized ones from some sites or bunnnngs around 1000x500mm or 900x600mm/ a cheap cracked fish tank around 4ft plus you can pick up for <50 usually, or an expensive piece of reptile furniture for $200 plus normally

Are they cheap costing ?
Depends how you keep them and if you buy food just for them or have extra veggies around your house they can cost almost nothing, you don't need to spend heaps of money to keep reptiles healthy it all depends on how you want to set them up


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whoa....slow down there,if costs are your main consideration you are not the sort of person who should be thinking about keeping reptiles.Reptile keeping is for people who CARE about their critters needs and wants not the costs!!!!!if you want a cheap pet get a dog and feed it scraps.

Cost is an important thing with owning any pet, especially reptiles if you don't consider this you are just irresponsible...
Reptile keeping seems expensive...but it's really cheap depending on what you choose to keep...
My bluey's love the scraps i feed them...and they don't bark either...
Okay thanks. Just wanting to make sure how much it costs, Before buying one. As if i get one, I want to give it a good home and feed it well. I also love animals. I just wanted to make sure. As I never kept a lizard before !
whoa....slow down there,if costs are your main consideration you are not the sort of person who should be thinking about keeping reptiles.Reptile keeping is for people who CARE about their critters needs and wants not the costs!!!!!if you want a cheap pet get a dog and feed it scraps.

Hahaha surely this is a joke. Yes, let's suggest someone by an animal of far greater intelligence levels thus demanding stimulation, cost hundreds in vaccinations and thousands in food over an animal which can thrive off snails collected from the garden and cheap dog food.
@dragonlover1 - he asked for the cost. He did not ask for the cheapest way to care for it. In no way was he being a cheapskate.
I'm quite sure everyone wants a rough idea of the cost of an animal before purchasing. Much more responsible than forgetting the cost, realising you cant afford to keep it, and dumping it in someone else's hands.
Of course we are still recommending a cheap way to care for them because hey, who wants to be spending a few hundred when you can get just as healthy happy of a bluey by spending a few bucks. (under-exagerated)

Best of luck with the bluetongue!
@dragonlover1 - he asked for the cost. He did not ask for the cheapest way to care for it. In no way was he being a cheapskate.
I'm quite sure everyone wants a rough idea of the cost of an animal before purchasing. Much more responsible than forgetting the cost, realising you cant afford to keep it, and dumping it in someone else's hands.
Of course we are still recommending a cheap way to care for them because hey, who wants to be spending a few hundred when you can get just as healthy happy of a bluey by spending a few bucks. (under-exagerated)

Best of luck with the bluetongue!

that sounds fair enough but the way the post was written it sounded like he wanted something cheap
Mine were addicted to meal worms and fresh cockroaches lol my boys used to catch em Oh and garden snails....they LOVED big juicy snails fresh from our garden. Cheap and easy pets i say. Oh but they poop lots and mine used to walk through it! lol several times i had to bath them :lol:
Yes it did look like that, When I posted I should've of made it more clear. All I want is a rough estimate on the cost. So I can put money A Side. So I can buy the proper equipment and food. So I have a perfect set up before I buy one. ( By cheap costing, I mean are they Cheap/ Expensive to feed ? I should've posted that, So it's more understanding.
Can some one tell me if this info is right please. Cool side has to be 21-23 degrees, Hot side 30-33 Degrees. They need uvb lighting at daytime, At night time if it gets cold I can use an infrared lighting. Spot clean once day, Change water every second day. They need Fruit and Vegetables. The odd snail is always a Blue Tongue favorite but should be minimised and used as treats along with red meat and banana. Never feed fish or cat food. Enclosure for an Adult Blue Tongue should be 4-5 foot.
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