Costing of a Blue Tongue Lizard/Skink ?

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Depends. As others have said. If you feed them veggies bought from a shop for them it can get more expensive. However they can be very happy on scraps or bits and pieces of our veggies. Snails out of the garden work too. Just make sure they aren't poisoned by pellets or whatever else! Woodies can easily be bred if needed. And buy big tins of dog food while it's on special. So they can be very cheap to feed. Be creative and think of some economical ways to do things.
Also as someone mentioned, a good idea is to pick up a $50 or less fish tank. (Often sold when not able to hold water) and shove some mesh on top or I think you can buy mesh screen/cover things. Otherwise, a large tub from bunnings or wherever work well too. Heating shouldn't be much considering you're in Qld. UV is recommended unless they live outside. And give them some time outside too ;)
good luck! Any other questions, feel free to ask!
Okay thanks. So I need Uv and Uvb lighting ?

Just a single reptile specific uv source. This can be on the form of a fluro tube or compact spiral lamp. You can also use a MV bulb but these generate a fair bit of heat which being where you are isn't needed. Not sure if you need a 5.0 or 10.0 uv source I'll let the blue tongue experts answer that one.
I THINK 5.0 is adequate. (Try get them outside too) but 10.0 won't cause any damage seeing as our sun is much stronger than that. But unlike beardies and that, blueys aren't as susceptible to MBD so UV isn't as essential. IMO I would say a 5.0 provided the skink is taken outside occasionally.
Mine are housed in 4 foot enclosures, they get fed dog food, natural baby food and fresh grated vegies eg. Pumpkin and carrots. Also mushrooms and pears.

I use a 150watt infrared bulb on thermostat and a 5.0 UV light.

They get fed every 3 days (big meals), they poop alot! I change there water everyday. Coarse Kritter Krumble as substrate. They get taken outside for about 20 minutes on nice sunny days.
Can some one tell me if this info is right please. Cool side has to be 21-23 degrees, Hot side 30-33 Degrees. They need uvb lighting at daytime, At night time if it gets cold I can use an infrared lighting. Spot clean once day, Change water every second day. They need Fruit and Vegetables. The odd snail is always a Blue Tongue favorite but should be minimised and used as treats along with red meat and banana. Never feed fish or cat food. Enclosure for an Adult Blue Tongue should be 4-5 foot.

you have most of pretty well covered,don't be afraid of snails you can just about feed them totally on snails ,red meat as you say but trim all fat as it's hard to digest,I eat a banana every week and save the end bit for my girl but they like other fruit too.I found she likes butternut pumpkin,cherries & blueberries & if I give her tinned fruit salad she licks the syrup first .
True-never feed fish.
5UV flouro tube and no need for night time heat except in winter and only when young .you could get a heat mat instead of spending up on heat lamps
Okay thanks.. I'm going to try and Breed Snails,Woodies and Crickets. As I'm going to have 1-2 Blue Tongue, 1 Bearded Dragon. I will be giving them a variety of fruit and vegetables. I will change up the meat food. One week they will have Dog food and the other week kangaroo mince> Can I feed them this ? I will only be giving snails as a treat. Will this be okay for them ?
kangaroo should be okay as it's low fat,chicken mince is another cheap favourite.
Oh another thing I forgot is substrate,I found wood chips is great I use about 2" deep and she loves to burrow through it and as other people have said take your lizards outside for real sun as much as you can,1/2 hour at a time
Okay thanks. Was thinking aspen bedding. Or this odor bedding. Also I will be buying a baby Blue Tongue Skink. When it gets older I will make sure it gets 0/30-3 hours of sunlight.
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