could i be THAT lucky?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
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In the ACT with a cold bundy
ok bit of info so someone might be able to help.
I bought a beardie from a guy about a week and abit ago.
He used to have 2 but one died and his kids had lost interest in the other one.
Turns out to be female and last night she looked a bit "weird" so i picked her up and she feels/looks like she has eggs.
Shes not been eating for the past few days just laying about but bright as a button and a lovely yellow colour.
I know the other one that died was a male and i suspecting we are going to get eggs soon.

Then i got given a jacky dragon also a female and guess what ahuh lookslike eggs there too!

Ok now for some ??
Do i have to incubate the eggs or can they hatch "naturally"?
If so how do i go about it.?
Both are kept indoors with heat lamps and go outdoors during the day to get UV.
Any tips??

Im giving them both some moist sand today to see if they dig.

Thanks in advance from a very excited DG:D hehehehehehe i paid 25bucks for the yellow beardie and got the jacky for free coz a mates missus lost his male and he said he wasnt going to replace him.
You should incubate the eggs to prevent them from drying out (esp in sand, soil or even dirt is better as it doesn't cave in as easily), though you don't need an incubator, they will hatch just fine in an unused enclosure if you can roughly keep them at 26 - 35 for the majority of the time.
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