Crazy day

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Very Well-Known Member
May 23, 2009
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I got a phone call from my Mother at lunchtime yesterday, she asked if I could drive her into the doctors. She explained that she'd had some uncomfortable tight feeling in the chest the past couple of days, she didn't think it was anything but after some prodding from a friend of ours who works at the hospital she was able to get an appointment with her doctor (which is lucky since it normally takes two weeks if you want to see your own GP).

The doctor didn't think it was anything too serious, but to be on the safe side she had a nurse do an ECG. After reviewing the results she told my Mother it didn't look good, and that it was telling her my Mother was having a heart attack. :shock: My Mother was taken by ambulance to the hospital, she wasn't in any pain, just a tight feeling in the chest and heavy feeling in the legs and arms.

Once arriving in emergency blood tests were done, as were X-rays among other things. She was given blood thinners, and now the waiting game started. The blood tests take 6-8 hours to come back, and in the mean time it's unclear if this is a heart attack or not. She was admitted to the hospital, had more blood tests done last night, and will be having an angiogram done this morning. We're still unclear on what exactly this is, but the angiogram this morning should tell us what's going on.

We'd had my Mother in the hospital twice earlier this year due to asthma attacks, she only has mild asthma and doesn't get it very often so it was scary to hear her lungs crackling the way they were. She's not having a very good time this year. :( I'll post when I know more.
thats no good to hear mate.
I hope she gets better really soon. I had heart problems a few years ago and sometimes still get it when i am really stressed. Keep positive and know that you will find lots of support on here for you and your mum.
Keep positive :)
Just for the info of anyone reading this - as highlighted above any chest heaviness, tightness etc needs to be taken seriously and assessed at your local hospital. Ring an ambulance if you have to as they will take any symptoms like that very seriously. You don't have to have classic chest pain to be suffering from a 'heart attack' or other cardiac problem.

I'm suprised your Mum's GP didn't think it was too serious based on the history you've outline above. Most GP's would bundle their patients into an ambulance and straight up to the hospital without delay in my experience. Hope everything works out well.
My family and I have been through a lot of stress recently, and at the time apparently what my Mother was experiencing sounded like muscular pain. Of of the nurses at the hospital said there are many thing that can cause chest discomfort, but ruling out the most serious possibilities must be done first. Before going to the doctor yesterday I found some info on the net about heart attack symptoms on the net, some of the symptoms women experience are different from what people usually think of when heart attacks are in mind.

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

Many people have made the mistake of not taking these symptoms seriously, and some haven't lived to learn from the mistake. Please don't muck around if you experience this.
Thats not good to hear all the best with your mum hope everything is ok
Thankfully it turned out it wasn't a heart attack, and my Mother is now home :D Don't know what it was, but everything's ok for now.
you poor thing !!!

You must have been so worried !!

I am so glad everything has turned out ok :)
you poor thing !!!

You must have been so worried !!

I am so glad everything has turned out ok :)

Yeah, it was scary. I was pretty calm during the whole thing though, my family and I have been through so many stressful/traumatic things, and I think I've become used to it. It's great to have her home again and to know that everything is fine :)
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