Crazy Yanks (Gun Laws)

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
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This was posted on a skyline forum I visit, it's from a US GTR forum. It's ridiculous, but interesting, lol.

Where to carry side arm - NAGTROC - The Nissan GT-R Owners Club

They are bloody crazy...

There's a forum I was looking at once, can't remember which one. They had a thread titled "Home protection" and these guys were absolute nutcases... The majority of them had MULTIPLE guns, and not just pistols, fully automatic guns like AK47's, MP5's etc, etc. They would have about 12 guns loaded and hidden throughout the house, and another 45 locked up in the gun closet. Absolute madness.

I would LOVE to see a shootout during a home invasion in which a stupid redneck that thinks he's ready gets to utilise his artillery. How the HELL could they seriously think that they'd have the opportunity to run through the house using up all the ammunition in all of the guns they have lying around is beyond me. They seriously must think they are some fictional war hero. If it came down to it, the one gun would be all that's necessary, because they'd either take out the person invading their place, or get taken out themselves. It's like they are living in a movie.

The majority also slept with their pistols under their pillows... Idiots.

Check this video out, it's a cool gun for sure, but absolutely ridiculous!! A pistol that can fire .45's or a 410 shotgun shell.


Designed "Specifically for vehicle protection" :rolleyes:

I love Australia.. I really want to go to the US, but knowing there's millions of armed civilians over there, and the majority are trigger happy, it makes be a bit uneasy.
Hmmmmm, I have a bit of a two sided view on this topic within a topic LOL......
whilst I think the USA could reign in their gun toting civilians, I have grown up with weapons(legal and otherwise)
and I have to say have used them to get myself in and out of trouble. Bearing in mind we had pretty relaxed laws
untill the Martin Bryant massacre. I believe that most civillians do not know how to use/maintain weapons safely
and do have the "movie"mentality in regard to how they would conduct themselves in a "home"invasion scenario
Over the years I have watched/heard media reports to do with the USA and their Gun laws(that differ from state to state)
the information was quite varying....Some reported that there was less crime in the gun toting states in comparison to
their gunless Sister states etc so what I am wondering is just how much is media sensationalism and just how much is fact?
I will say that going on the vid here and others I wouldnt like to stick my nose over there either KR LOL.....
I have to do an assignment on the affect of gun laws due to the port arthur masscare so this thread is rather coincidental :)
I have to do an assignment on the affect of gun laws due to the port arthur masscare so this thread is rather coincidental :)

Do not even think about using any of this report in you assignment, You are working on what happened in Australia not the USA.

Research has shown that the knee jerk reaction to the Port Arthur incident
has in no way slowed or prevented the problems with "Illegally" held firearms!
The only people it effected was the law abiding firearm owner!

By the way i have spent some time in the USA working and this is by no way reflective of the majority, Its is like everything in this life there are the majority that are good decent people and then you have the overboard radical minority !
one of the reasons i picked Aussie instead of going to the US for uni was this specific reason

of course you can't generalize, theres probably a few rifles n handguns out there
but just the thought of it being illegal is somewhat better. somewhat.

funny thing is if there was a break in the house and the mongrels get to the guns first before you, well... so much for "home protection"
God there are some rednecks in USA. I think it depends on the area, I know I've been to Florida, California, New York and New Jersey and there and havent encountered any rednecks. But in places like Texas, Louisiana ect there are some insane people. Have you seen that show "Swamp People"? Its about a bunch of Red Necks in the Lousiana swamps with speech impediments and missing teeth, out shooting alligators because "If thar peeyparl came daywn heyre (horse noise) these heyre gators snap em up yall!"
When I was in Alaska me and my Dad went into a hardware store,, kinda like bunnings but a helluva lot smaller, and we went to look at the guns and the thing that surprised us was that a 14y/o girl selling hand guns, shotguns over the counter. It was crazy that someone so young could that, but if I lived in Alaska I'd have a know, bears and stuff
Do not even think about using any of this report in you assignment, You are working on what happened in Australia not the USA.

Research has shown that the knee jerk reaction to the Port Arthur incident
has in no way slowed or prevented the problems with "Illegally" held firearms!
The only people it effected was the law abiding firearm owner!

By the way i have spent some time in the USA working and this is by no way reflective of the majority, Its is like everything in this life there are the majority that are good decent people and then you have the overboard radical minority !
umm i said nothing about using American info in my Australian report?
What I find most astounding is this:

A woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy for any and all reasons...yet that same woman does not have the right to defend herself from rapists or other thugs in the most effective way for a woman, and that is, with a firearm...It's a bit like saying a 50kg woman should be able to fistfight a 100kg male.

Give me a frigging break.

"As long as your adversary is much smaller than you, it's OK to do whatever you want to it. But whatever you do, don't you dare try taking on a bigger adversary."

It's the sort of message that I don't want permeating through the society in which I live.
did anyone see the copperhead video?

Yes, that sucked a bit.. He hunted it down and shot it with the Judge..(I want one of these guns by the way)..
Typical redneck ignorant, two headed, sister shagging yokel..
"One less copperhead"".One less redneck would have been nice. Youtube is full of snake killing vids.
but does not refute the amount of "illegally held fire arms" there still are.
But it does refute the rather inane statement
The only people it effected was the law abiding firearm owner!
Remember that Martin Bryant, Frank Vitkovic and Julian Knight were all "law abiding firearm owners"
But it does refute the rather inane statement
Remember that Martin Bryant, Frank Vitkovic and Julian Knight were all "law abiding firearm owners"
hmmm I get what you are meaning now.... was taking it in another context (thanx for redirecting mine mind LOL) :)
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I commented on that video last night. I also watched another vid that followed from that, where a yank actually relocated one properly.
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