Hi all. My female Boyd's is gravid for the second time. First time around, she appeared quite distressed for at least three weeks - down on the ground for most of the time, pacing the enclosure, scratching on the walls, barely eating, etc. Like she could not find anywhere suitable to lay. I sought advice as to how to change the enclosure to make it more suitable to her needs. It was suggested to place dark cardboard around one corner of the enclosure, to give her a secluded spot to lay. Eventually she did lay in that spot. This time around, though, she is displaying the distressed behaviour all over again (has been 4 weeks, now) and it would appear that she is no longer happy with the original nesting site, as she has not used it this time. I gave her more ground cover plants, to no avail. Then, I googled nesting behaviour of this species in the wild. Appears they like more open, sunny sites to lay. So, I removed some of the ground cover again. She gets a little direct sunlight in the afternoon, in one corner, for about 5 mins a day. Substrate used is damp coco peat (approx. 3 inches deep.) She has a large dish to bathe in, plenty of vertical branches, and some fake plants in the enclosure. UV and humidity are supplied as suggested in reptile books, for this species. She seems very distressed currently, and I am quite concerned for her. She is over a year old, housed alone, and when not carrying eggs, is a content, healthy dragon, who eats well. Any suggestions as to how I could meet her needs better, if this is not typical Boyd's behaviour? I've been in herps for many years, but am relatively new to keeping forest dragons.... If you read to the end of this long post, thank you!