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I did understand you Porkbones, and red fox understood my intent. I just didn't want others thinking that simply because something was marked non toxic that it would be safe for water bowls etc. sealing something for outside use is a little different for something that will be in an enclosed space or as a sealant for waterbowls- that's all I was inferring. Please don't take offence there was none intended
Thanks for sharing all that info ,jaxRtfm, I finally have a basic understanding of how to make my own background. May not be as easy as buying one but I know I'm going to have a lot more fun making then buying them.:D
This thread is amazing. I have already got my list of things you guys used/said and going to bunnings as soon as I get paid lol. Definitely sticky this thread. It's so useful. I wasn't going to even attempt to make a fake rock wall but now I can't wait. It seems so easy when you break it down into steps like that.
amazing work right there! i started making mine a few days ago. i tested super glue on a small piece of foam and it pretty much melted it (the reaction i expected)... then i used pva and i might as well have just poured some milk on it.( pethetic) so i decided to used silicon (not sure the difference between black and clear) . so i guess my question is...... does silicon go well/ bond strong with foam and foam.
so silicon isnt the best choice then..alrite fair enuf
thanks mate
Liquid nails type of thing is the go. READ the blurb on the tube, not all are suitable for foam and will do the same thing as the superglue
The one mad_at_arms suggested is safe, I use a different brand but same stuff. You don't need to cover the entire surface with it, I run a bead of it around the edge of the piece to be joined. And a couple of dabs in the middle and then press the surfaces together.
I bought some liquid nails that is actually water based so I'll be curious how it works out... I'll let you know in a week or so. :D
I bought some liquid nails that is actually water based so I'll be curious how it works out... I'll let you know in a week or so. :D

It's the water based stuff that is used for foam. The other solvent based one will eat the foam
I just grabbed the tube and I fluked the right stuff by all you guys have said... Parfix, Maxi Nails Fast, water based construction adhesive, low odour. :)
I am a blonde so please do not judge me too harshly but where you said:

Now i have mixed cement+sand, put some render colour in (Optional) and some PVA glue to give it some flexibility and better bonding. Try to create a soup type compound where majority is PVA and only some water to thin it out.

Is the render colour mentioned there just the water based acryllic paint? :oops: be nice I'm a woman so I don't know these things!!

"I'm a girl" is no excuse LOL
You can colour it with whatever you have at hand, I use powdered oxide because it doesn't alter the consistency. But the cheap hobby paint works just as well but you might need to add more powder. Mix liquids together then add the render. Just do smallish batches. I use 2 Litre icecream containers
"I'm a girl" is no excuse LOL
You can colour it with whatever you have at hand, I use powdered oxide because it doesn't alter the consistency. But the cheap hobby paint works just as well but you might need to add more powder. Mix liquids together then add the render. Just do smallish batches. I use 2 Litre icecream containers

I believe she said blonde lol.

Ot, I didn't put any colour into the cement mix, I just used the cement mixture water and pva glue. I just mixed it together in a 60c bucket from bunnings
ROFL, ok ok ! She said "I'm blonde - I'm a woman I don't know these things" :) it's still no excuse ;)
CHRI5 if you use render you can tint the later coats to get a base colour.
She said i'm blonde and she later said 'im a woman so I don't know these things' ;)

ROFL, ok ok ! She said "I'm blonde - I'm a woman I don't know these things" :) it's still no excuse ;)

Ok ok, I didn't realise she said woman lol. My bad.

What I did was, used liquid nails to stick the foam to the ply (probably more then I needed to but wanted be certain it would stick) then used more liquid nails and some form of selleys glue that was mentioned in the 1st post to stick more foam to foam. I carved away and made the rock design I wanted. I then mixed the sand cement with just water and some pva glue till I was happy with the thickness of the cement, put 2 layers of it onto my wall. I then mixed some paint with water in a $2 spray bottle from bunnings and sprayed the wall with that. Did it 3 times. Gave really nice effect. I still have to seal it with some clear pondite that I got from bunnings.
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