Oh hohoho! Is it reaaaaalllly? :lol:
Apostrophe s is used for three things! Contractions (it is-it's, does not-doesn't), which it hasn't been in this case. Showing possession (Slimey's dog is Piri, Surroundx's grammar is terrible. That is a poor example, i don't think Surroundx needs and s for possession.) Finally for pluralising acronyms and contractions! Seeing as typo is a contraction for typographical, it is accurate to use an apostrophe s ('s) for its pluralisation!
Apostrophe s is used for three things! Contractions (it is-it's, does not-doesn't), which it hasn't been in this case. Showing possession (Slimey's dog is Piri, Surroundx's grammar is terrible. That is a poor example, i don't think Surroundx needs and s for possession.) Finally for pluralising acronyms and contractions! Seeing as typo is a contraction for typographical, it is accurate to use an apostrophe s ('s) for its pluralisation!
In this instance, you have made incorrect use of a contraction in your pluralisation. There would not be an apostrophe in "typos". Also, the use of an ellipsis after "error" is entirely superfluous. Plus, the grammar is just atrocious!
"Therefore" is one word Gordo.
P.S. Don't try to tell us that your thumb slipped and accidentally hit the space bar!