Dying Chondro

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2009
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Bali indonesia
We get a few crook snakes brought in

Had a Chondro to try to get healthy for last two months
Was very dehydrated and generally not well when it was brought in
Rehydrated ok
Huge swelling around eye socket and left side of head
Soft to touch but will not drain
That eye red and inflamed
Wont eat

I have no idea what caused it but looks like its got mumps
For some reason cannot post photos

Anyone with any ideas please suggest them
Sounds like a head trauma, got hit by something, fell from somewhere high, ??? Couldn't drink as a result of the injury???
Does the owner have any clues?
He has no idea at all he says but I dont think it could have been hit or fell as it was kept in a lunch box without perches etc

Ive never seen anything like this before but whatever it is it is getting worse

With the reptile rescue programme we lose a few snakes but usually just obviously too badly injured
This one has me absolutely stumped
Could it be some sort of bacterial infection coming from inside the roof of the mouth ?
Have you looked inside the mouth? Maybe an in fected tooth that has spread to the surrounding areas.
Until you see it you cannot really understand but I'll try to describe it better
I will try to load photos again later

Inside of mouth was not good with pretty bad stomasis and nearly black tongue
Fixed that ok without surgery
Had RI as well but got through that ok
Now looks perfectly normal around inside of mouth

Left eye is RED and yucky
Definitely distended
Skin very swollen from just behind nostrils to 5 cm behind eye on left side
Swelling is not hard but like a fluid
Cannot drain it yet
Can see perfectly well from other eye
Not sure about left eye
Could it be a hematoma? If it was trauma that caused the injury it could have been bad enough to burst blood vessels?
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Dont think it has been hit or injured like that

I was pretty confident it was going to come good
But in the last week this mess started
an infection of the retina?? it could be something that you can't actually see like with humans...optic neuritis!
Really sorry to hear that mate. Was it one of the ones I photographed when we visited last week?

an infection of the retina?? it could be something that you can't actually see like with humans...optic neuritis!

My missus lost the sight in her left eye to that horror but the only swelling was in the optic nerve. No external signs of anything wrong.
It was here but dont know if you saw it
Recuperation stage so I would not have taken it out

Im at wits end so going to try Gentamicin Sulphate and just hope for the best
Maybe some sort of parasitic worm doing its damage from the inside?

Good luck with it mate and keep us posted.
Imagine the worst worm lump you have ever seen X 50

Thats how bad it looks
Have you tried to drain it, it may be a growth of some description if there isn't fluid in it. Could there possibly be a foriegn body in it? I wish you all the best, take care!
I euthanised it yesterday
It was slowly getting worse and had zero quality of life
Never really responded to anything I tried and was definitely not improving

Scalped it today
Massive infection starting on the spine below the head and continuing up into the head cavities including mouth nasal passages and right eye
Dont know how it lasted as long as it did
Possibly caused by tiny broken neck bone [but Im no surgeon]

Sometimes we win
Sometimes we lose
We can only try
Sorry to hear Longqi sounds like you gave it every chance though :( good onya for your efforts to help it. ;)
I'm so sorry Longqi, sometimes there is just nothing that can be done.Well done
on giving it a try and caring.
Without trying to be wise after the event, I would guess it is orbital cellulitus which is a generalised term for a systemic infection exibiting in the sinuss.The eye , brain and nose are all connected via the sinus's and so what effects one can infect the other. Even after cure there can be long lasting side effects from pressure on the brain during the disease process. The question is what and where did the infection came from? My understanding is that it is a natural progression from mouth infections.
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