what size tank are they in?
I will give them to anyone.... aslong as THEY give them a good home, and can pick them up
Okay. What heat are you keeping them at? Just get a thermometre and check. I had my bearded at a REALLY hot temperature, it was really hot to touch, but he wouldn't eat. I check the temperature, and it turned out to be 34C, so I got a different globe, got it to 40C, then he ate LOTS.
Secondly, have you got UV? The male's swollen eye makes me think of UVC poisoning. UVC is produced by compact UV tubes (that I've found, I don't know about anything else). If you're using a compact, then I suggest you remove it.
Thirdly, how big are these dragons? The pictures wouldn't come up for me. But I think a one metre tank would be a bit small for three dragons. It's possible that they're stressing each other out. You could try separating them and seeing if they'll eat.
Are they getting any water? They might not drink it from a water bowl even if you supply one. Spray them from a spray bottle every day or every second day. What you could also do is put them into a plastic container with chest-high water (for the dragons) and them in there one at a time for ten minutes or so. They'll absorb water through their cloacas.
The female with the worms might not eat because of the worms. It's a good idea to get all of them wormed so that they're not passing them between each other.
Dragons, I've found, aren't nearly as hard to look after than I thought. Do you have any other kind of dragon? Or are these your first? This could be a simple case of the dragons stressing each other out. You could try exploring other the other options that I've provided above before handing them on, other wise you could miss out on something great (owning bearded dragons).
Good luck, and keep us posted.