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Chicken and pasta? Are you serious?

Keep her warm and dry, Feed her NON FISH variety cat food and snails collected from non baited areas.
I use savlon as an antiseptic as I really think betadine is CRAP.....Thats just my opinion
Nope I just type things for the heck of it. And I know you don't feed them fish products. and yes I have tried live garden snails from pisces, it was a waste of time
Nope I just type things for the heck of it. And I know you don't feed them fish products. and yes I have tried live garden snails from pisces, it was a waste of time

Don't think you should try being sarcastic when your trying to feed a reptile cooked chicken and pasta:lol:

Live snails not snails in a can:rolleyes:
Sorry Manda but i think that if you want to ask a question you need to not get angry when someone gives you an answer. Im not saying that its the right one, but i does make some sense, if you are having trouble getting the animal better then your best choice is to give the animal to someone who can afford sufficient medical procedures or supplies from the vet. Its in the best interest of the animal.
I'm being scarcastic because my previous posts tend to say that I have tried everything... live snails and canned ones. I have tried to feed her mince too, as well as dog and cat food warmed and cold, carrots grated, stewed, pureed, sliced, boiled. All foods that blue tongues... normal bluetongues eat I have tried. But that isn't the issue here
Sorry Manda but i think that if you want to ask a question you need to not get angry when someone gives you an answer. Im not saying that its the right one, but i does make some sense, if you are having trouble getting the animal better then your best choice is to give the animal to someone who can afford sufficient medical procedures or supplies from the vet. Its in the best interest of the animal.

Fine.... then who want's her? after all she was given to me
You might want to put up a for sale add or a post with FREE bluetongue in need of care.
You see, I posted this help wanted to get help. I wanted to know what to ask the vet who knows nothing about reptiles. Instead I get give her up comments. Clearly I want to help her. that's why I'm rubbing in the cream that the vet gave me even tho many people think it won't help. That's why I spent food money on a vet that wouldn't help. You know if you can't honestly help me in any way why are YOU posting?
Then maybe you should become one, its only 10 dollars in fact ive been meaning to subsribe for a while
after all she was given to me
Thats my point, You seem more worried about the financial side than actually whats best for the lizard.
Thats my opinion

P.S why take it if you didn't know what you were doing?
Excuse me manda, but even though im only fourteen and havent had as many reptiles as you, i think that comment was pretty pointless and rude. At least when i ask a question i dont get narky with people giving me there own opinions.

PS this site is for people to both share knowlegde and gain knowledge.
Thats my point, You seem more worried about the financial side than actually whats best for the lizard.
Thats my opinion

P.S why take it if you didn't know what you were doing?

I know how to look after her, I bought blue tongue books. I have not experienced this ailment, have you? I took her because she had spent a week in a sack on the cement floor to keep her away from the dog that originally attacked her and her cage mates in the first place. I bathed and dressed her wounds and looked after her then. And just because i have a part time job and choose not to be on the dole makes me a fantastic person. Just because I don't earn much doesn't meen anything
Well if you have done all of that then why did you need to post this thread?
Excuse me manda, but even though im only fourteen and havent had as many reptiles as you, i think that comment was pretty pointless and rude. At least when i ask a question i dont get narky with people giving me there own opinions.

PS this site is for people to both share knowlegde and gain knowledge.
And wouldn't you think unconstructive comments like "give it up" and "surrender it" are pretty rude too? cause I do. Like I said, I joined to learn from others... not to judge or tell them to give it up cause they can't afford another $200 odd bucks to travel to a vet 3 hours away
reptileboy95 said:
Well if you have done all of that then why did you need to post this thread?

What a silly comment. What she did for the blue tongue when she got it has no relevance to what has happened to it now.

Honestly, there's not much people on a forum can tell you. Do you know if there's anyone else with reptiles around you, who can see it and who can offer a second opinion? It is obviously your choice to give her up or not. If you feel that you can give her her best chances (or not worry about losing more money to vets who know nothing about reptiles), then who is anyone else to judge? She sounds like a very difficult blue tongue. Have you tried making her go a little hungry to make her more inclined to eat something more suited for her?

As for this cream, did the vet say specifically what it was for? Did it know whether or not it would help reptiles, or is it specifically for other kinds of animals?
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