G'day Wild Storm,
I'm used to having people argue that with me
My point is that the definition of the word "aggressive" insinuates that an Eastern Brown will go out of it's way to attack without being provoked - this will never happen. They are most definitely very defensive, and will respond to the most minor of threats vigorously.
It really just comes down to what you mean by aggresive, just because the snake is stupid and thinks its defending itself makes little differance.
I think most stories about snakes attacking are BS or misinterpreting behaviour. I have had a rbb come directly at me, it was just cruising around and didnt see me but to another person it would no doubt be hunting them down. I have been "charged" by a marsh snake going at full speed after i disturbed it and it was trying to get away silly thing didnt realise it was going straight towards what it was scared of.