Eating problems

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Very Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
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My 8 month spotted was previously eating fuzzie mice, but after a few weeks without eating, I tried to feed her one, and being skinny she couldn't get it down. I then tried feeding her a pinky a few days later and she wouldn't have anything to do with it, this is not the first time she has refused pinkys after eating the fuzzie. I brained it and left it in their over night. The conditions havent changed and there is another spotted in the same conditions feeding fine.
Should i keep trying to feed her fuzzie or keep trying with pinky?
I have three spotteds from the same clutch side by side in a rack two are eating fine the other has refused feeds since it got cold. It is not uncommon for spotteds to go off their food in the cooler months even from an early age. I would keep an eye on its condition and weight. Keep offering food if you like but most likely it won't feed untill around sept when it begins to warm up.

How long have you had the snake? And has it fed consistantly while you have had it?
exactly how long hasn't the snake had a feed? after a few weeks i wouldn't imagine it all of a sudden can't get the same size prey item down that it has been eating previously.

as ewan said, has it been feeding regularly and how long has it been doing so in your care?

what temps are you getting on the tub/enclosure?

just because one snake is eating doesn't mean the other will at the same temperature. it isn't uncommon for a snake to go of its food this time of year but if young snakes are kept warm enough they will feed all year round. For winter i have bumped up all hatchling/yearling temps to 34C.
You could try a pinkie rat. My spotted that went off its food just took a rat. If you need a hand I am in Newcastle and will help out where I can.
It was never a question of why it is not eating, i understand all of the reasons why some wont feed in the cooler months. The temps are fine, hot end is usually 32-33. When she had the first fuzzie that she successfully ate it, and she was well fed then, but still struggled.
Then when she tried the second one she never even got past the head. And she didnt try to refuse that second Fuzzie, she was the most eager i have ever seen. It was just too big, and she isnt even interested in pinky.
And I wanted to know if i should keep trying of fuzzie or pinky?
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An 8 month old spotted that can't get a pinky mouse down? Sounds unlikely, especially if it was eating fuzzies not long ago! Admittedly, sizes do vary depending on suppliers etc so perhaps keep persisting with the pinky - and use the smallest ones in the pack.
An 8 month old spotted that can't get a pinky mouse down? Sounds unlikely, especially if it was eating fuzzies not long ago! Admittedly, sizes do vary depending on suppliers etc so perhaps keep persisting with the pinky - and use the smallest ones in the pack.

Sorry i said pinky when i meant fuzzie in one of the lines. She has eaten one fuzzie when she was a nice weight, but now being a little skinnier she couldn't get one down.
Basically she is interested in the fuzzie, but cant get them down,
but she can eat pinky but she is never interested.
So any one have any ideas? Keep feeding on fuzzie or try pinky
try to put it in a dark place with heat for about a week then try again i had a diamond same as that but then i gave it live for 1 feed then 1 week later it had a frosen defrosted one.cheers
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