Well-Known Member
Hi all.
So my question is, we have a family vet we have always gone to with all of our animals however he doesn't have a very good knoweledge of snakes and other reps. He still thought Anteresia species were still all classified as liasis childreni(We have since bought him up to speed on this)
He is a wonderful guy who has a genuine interest in our snakes and I like the fact I can generally tell him what I need and how to treat ailments with the snakes. (And before anyone says find a herp vet I genuinely trust his judgement and he always looks at the best interest of the animals)
My question is our latest issue has bought us to dissagree on something.
We have a childreni who IMO has skin worm he is a new addition and in strict quarantine form our other snakes. I have explained to him how most remove these critters and this is where the argument comes in he beleives to lance the worms and remove them with out first anethetising the snake is cruel and in the end not neccessary as in his opion would be lancing dry abcesses which he feels is uneccessary because worming the animal should be sufficient. What I am after is some info and facts that I can present to him to show him that it is infact benificial and does work. Also pics of this procedure would be fantastic. I personally am not trying to undermine his knowledge nor his trained profession I just know how eager he is to learn about everything reptile with the amount of herps entering the evryday pet trade. Your opions are greatly appreciated.
So my question is, we have a family vet we have always gone to with all of our animals however he doesn't have a very good knoweledge of snakes and other reps. He still thought Anteresia species were still all classified as liasis childreni(We have since bought him up to speed on this)
He is a wonderful guy who has a genuine interest in our snakes and I like the fact I can generally tell him what I need and how to treat ailments with the snakes. (And before anyone says find a herp vet I genuinely trust his judgement and he always looks at the best interest of the animals)
My question is our latest issue has bought us to dissagree on something.
We have a childreni who IMO has skin worm he is a new addition and in strict quarantine form our other snakes. I have explained to him how most remove these critters and this is where the argument comes in he beleives to lance the worms and remove them with out first anethetising the snake is cruel and in the end not neccessary as in his opion would be lancing dry abcesses which he feels is uneccessary because worming the animal should be sufficient. What I am after is some info and facts that I can present to him to show him that it is infact benificial and does work. Also pics of this procedure would be fantastic. I personally am not trying to undermine his knowledge nor his trained profession I just know how eager he is to learn about everything reptile with the amount of herps entering the evryday pet trade. Your opions are greatly appreciated.