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all these catchers....anyone want to give some one new to this a chance with some work experience? done the course got the tools just want some one to let me tag along....
Hi, here are some Elapids i rescued this year for Wires. I live on the northside of sydney. It is quite damp where i live. Vast majority of the snakes i get calls for are Diamonds, gree tree snakes and golden crowns. But had a few Red Bellies this year too. most of these pics taken at release...

Some great pictures there, Fauce.

You make catching elapids look so easy, ssssnakeman!
Here's a nice EB I got at Woodgate Beach near Childers, QLD. Ended up being just shy of 6 foot, but healthy as. Always good to see them like this. And don't ask about the hair, not the first priority during uni holidays =D
EB Woodgate.jpg
Great shots all, some of those copperheads are awsome looking snakes.

As a matter of interest, do you guys charge for this service or just do it out of the goodness of your heart for the welfare of all involved??
i am a fulltime professional snake catcher and my company charges a callout fee.I am on call 24/7 though and often get called out in the middle of the night and always respond straight away,going straight to the job with no delay anytime of the day.
I still take part in many wildlife rescues for free however,where there is an injured or trapped animal.
I do it for fun to but I do charge depending on the situation and the client but i do a lot of pro-bono work and free stuff for wildlife victoria as well.

Today i was called to the local police station to pick up a snake that was being used to threaten police in a stand off.

After the arrest they rang me and asked if I could go there and see what was actually in the bag.

It turned out to be a young local tiger snake,
nothing exotic,
but still a nice looking tiger.

The cops said the prisoner claimed he had found the snake at work.
I will post some video ( maybe pics)of this later on.
just including a couple of recent pics from some snakes ive had to relocate.
The vast majority are not worth a mention really ,mainly Black snakes by the dozens,but by far my favourite regular are eastern brown snakes as i enjoy catching and handling this species.

i do get most sydney species turn up but these two are very pretty


this adder from little wobby

this beautiful tiger from just off gymea bay road, Gymea


IMG_0233.jpgView attachment 197333
A little copperhead I removed from a property in Somerville this weekend. Looked like it had sustained a decent injury previously which has repaired amazingly well. Amazing it survived a trauma of this size. Lawnmower, shovel, cat?
Very nice tiger there Rob! Yep the adders are too easy, except the one that was on the path next to the garden which I accidently spooked and it took off before i got my hook out. I had to tail it four times to keep bringing it back onto the path, out of thick grass, while i juggled for the hook and the whole time saying to myself "don't be tailing adders you fool"!
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