Almost Legendary
Well you have all had a good chew on the costs issue so I will leave that one alone apart from saying that my bill is usually between 7 and 8 hundred a quarter so if you let things get out of hand it can become very expensive
I will say though that most of my costs come from the fishtank heaters which are 300W each.
Now for the fire risk:
One of the biggest risks with an enclosure as far as fire is concerned is incorrect wiring. It is really not worth the risk to do your own unless you are either qualified to do so or 150% certain you know what you are doing and, of course, it is still illegal if you are not qualified. something as simple as a piece of crimped insulation or an insufficiently tightened terminal can start a fire easily and quickly. I have had people tell me "it's OK I have a safety switch". WRONG! Safety switches only protect against earth leakage and do not protect from any other faults apart from short circuit or overcurrent. So it is possible to have some simple fault like a loose connection heat up enough or arc enough to start a fire without drawing an overcurrent or producing an earth leakage of sufficient magnitude to trip the breaker.
Bottom line guys and gals, don't take the chance!
Now for the fire risk:
One of the biggest risks with an enclosure as far as fire is concerned is incorrect wiring. It is really not worth the risk to do your own unless you are either qualified to do so or 150% certain you know what you are doing and, of course, it is still illegal if you are not qualified. something as simple as a piece of crimped insulation or an insufficiently tightened terminal can start a fire easily and quickly. I have had people tell me "it's OK I have a safety switch". WRONG! Safety switches only protect against earth leakage and do not protect from any other faults apart from short circuit or overcurrent. So it is possible to have some simple fault like a loose connection heat up enough or arc enough to start a fire without drawing an overcurrent or producing an earth leakage of sufficient magnitude to trip the breaker.
Bottom line guys and gals, don't take the chance!