enclosures: my two conversions and one i built from scratch

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New Member
Jul 20, 2012
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north adelaide, gawler area
I've recently been building and converting things for new enclosures, its fun, cheap, and makes me feel good about myself even if the quality could be better.

the first one (the one im building from the floor up) has (so far) cost me nothing but screws and tubes of glue, which it fairly good, the first thing im really going to be spending money on is the doors, i got some sliding tracks from our house when we moved in so that was a bonus.
its dimensions
it isn't the hugest enclosure but i think its a decent size for what its costing me

the second is an old t.v that i gutted and modified a bit, i took out the tube (without breaking it of course) and the wiring and speakers, and then sealed it up to make sure there are no gaps that are escape-able it has a lot of vents at the back due to all the cooling vents from the original t.v which worked out well. and when i took out the speakers it made more vents that you can see in the photos. this one has cost me nothing but glue tubes as-well which is really cool, i plan on putting my blue tongue in it when its completely finished and settled as it allot nicer and more interesting to look at, and its larger than his current one although the exact dimensions are hard to figure out since its so irregular, but at the widest points its dimensions are approximately
im sorry if the pictures aren't very good quality im new to the whole forums thing basically and not used to this editing

finally i have the last conversion im currently doing, its quite simple and has so far cost the most ($10) although i did come with a stereo system from an op shop, i've removed a center shelf and put a new back on, ill end up siliconing the top down and then the new door will be hinged onto that. opening at the right. its smaller but i think it would be nice for a small reptile or two that don't require much humidity, on that note i doubt ill be housing anything tropical in any of these except may be the first one and even then it wouldn't be too wet. anyway, the dimensions

they aren't very impressive or very finished, and im not the best at d.i.y but i think I've done alright, any feedback would be welcome :)
and if you understand all my gibberish, congratulations :)

and i have enough of the door track to make another enclosure of the same size as the first one and possibly larger, so ill be busy for a while yet.
Well done, they look good:)
So far, my DIY enclosures consist of a small kitchen cupboard (left over from my grandmother's renos, I plan to put glass panels in the doors and keep a gecko or two in there). So far I've done nothing.
Also, I have 2 large-ish glass sliding doors and tracks from a ugly glass cabinet from the 70's which I scored when we emptied out my granpa's place when he went into permanent care. One day I'll get around to building a new box for it.
I also have a smallish blanket box thing, which I've so far cut out a hole and siliconed in a light fitting. Eventually I'll put the legs on, add air vents and replace the top with glass.

So, you've done a lot better than me so far!!:D
thanks :)
well the biggest issue i find is time to do it, getting materials for me is the longest waiting thing.
it sounds like you have enough work to keep you going for a while, i find its better to take ages and think things throuh than come up with a shoddy not-square box that has holes everywhere :p i did that alot before i figured out time is just as important as building
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