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my father in law always tells me that snakes only belong in the bush. and i usually tell him to stick it up his butt i aint interesteed. hehe, he soon shuts up. :D:D:D:D
i often say about mine that they were born into the captive circumstances they live in and therefore in a way dont know what they are missing. and by keeping captive animals we are giving wild specimens the chance to naturally populate without 'most' people taking them from the wild as they can easily obtain already captive bred animals. then in some circumstances if wild populations are lowering then the captive kept populations can be bred and re-released back into the wild such as with the Mary river turtle situation. so in the long run us keeping them in a way may be the only way of saving them!
thats my excuse anyway and im sticking to it
I am not trying to change the world or stop the battery farming of any group of animals. All I am doing is living my life with integrity to my own standards and ideals.

oh my goodness..... i could not have said it any better

im surprised, i didnt know i wasnt the only vegetarian!

do you mind if i use that phrase?
Not at all! I imagine it is the way most people try to live their lives! :D
my father in law always tells me that snakes only belong in the bush. and i usually tell him to stick it up his butt i aint interesteed. hehe, he soon shuts up. :D:D:D:D
I find it hard for people to say they are happier in captivity? have you asked them? they may say yes or maybe no. Most reptiles are opportunistic feeders so a regular supply of food is not normal like it is for us... But in saying that, keeping captive bred animals creates love and passion for the wild species, which can be used to conserve them, so it is not entirely bad.
The harshness of life. Are you putting human characteristics onto reptiles? Idont see to many snakes with "poor me " syndrome.But i do see alot lying comfortably in their warm little hides. And sometimes i see them rubbing their noses against the glass at night, but then they get fed and go back to their hides.
I find it hard for people to say they are happier in captivity? have you asked them? they may say yes or maybe no.

You cant really tell with snakes but they are very simple creatures with very low intellegence they dont have the complex requirements of intellegent animals such as dogs, pigs, rats etc.

You can usually tell an animal is not happy in its enclosure if its constantly trying to escape.
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It can be hard on animals whose instinct is to roam, like elephants
the funny things is that all the replies on this thread are just excuses on why you keep them, trying to justify the reason for keeping the critters, like you feel guilty. The more you argue why you should have animals in captive, the more it makes you sound like you are all doing an immoral act by keeping them, you sound like you are guilty of doing the wrong thing.
Why do you need to justify keeping the animals in captivity when the animal is in no harm and is living a happy live. Argueing about keeping it in a box and it never knowing anything different because it has never seen the outside world is just stupid. If you brought up a human kid in a box, a room or even just a house and never exposed to the outside world you would be sent to Jail.
Maslow's heirachy of needs never ends, once you obtain a need then we, as in animals, start searching for another need, it's called stimuli, if the brain isn't stimulised then mental problems start forming and become a hlath problem creating a new need in the heirachy of needs, called health. This can happen in all animals.
Everybody has their own reason why they keep animals in captivity whether, its for research, education or as a personal stimulant, what we don't need to do is make excuses to make us feel good and justify the problem. If you honestly believe you are treating the animal right, and there is pleanty of research on animals needs and wants across the world to help you ensure you are, then you have no worry if anyone has a different believe about keeping animals in captivity stating it is wrong because that is what they beleive and they for some reason need to argue for some reason, not you!
This is such a great thread. Debating rocks:D
Alot of good points too. But I'll stick with people do what people wanna do, and always have and will!
Hooray for the vegetarians GreenWillow!
If anyone ever asks me that, I will ask them if they eat meat. Enough said IMO.
The amount of cruelty that happens to feed the masses of humans is disgusting.

She didnt say she was a vego, (not that its a problem) Simple fact of the matter is that meat is essential for human survival.

as long as the animal is killed quickly, its matters not. If an animal is bred for feed, it is not cruel to kill it to feed someone.
Without animals in captivity we would not be able to understand their needs nor would many of the medical breakthroughs that have been made ie anti venom would be saving peoples lives.If the conditions are right and the animals appear happy and healthy I see no real problem although in saying that circus animals and some zoo animals just shouldnt be captive at all,JMO.
I think the ability to keep these animals as pet makes people more amenable to the plight of these creatures in their natural habitat.
It's not particularly relevant to the topic but the statement
Simple fact of the matter is that meat is essential for human survival.
is just not correct. It is possible to have a nutritious, balanced diet without eating meat. However, it is much harder to achieve and requires much more planning so as not to miss out on any essential vitamins etc.
It's not particularly relevant to the topic but the statement is just not correct. It is possible to have a nutritious, balanced diet without eating meat. However, it is much harder to achieve and requires much more planning so as not to miss out on any essential vitamins etc.

Haven't you seen the ad campaign "Meat, we were born to eat it" :lol:
Haven't you seen the ad campaign "Meat, we were born to eat it" :lol:

That's kind of true. We are fully equipped to eat meat .... but we can get by without it with careful planning. Personally, I'd rather just eat meat.
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