Extreme temps

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Not so new Member
Dec 18, 2008
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At what temp would you bring turtles inside the house and out of the heat?
Water temp?
Air temp?
I hear it has been extremely hot down there, but if the water temperature is still cool and they have shaded spots you are probably best to leave them where they are. Otherwise, if you do take them in, make sure you use water from their pond so you aren't changing the chemistry levels to upset them anymore.

Sorry this didn't exactly answer your question but thought I'd add an opinion about them being moved.
I just emptied out hundreds of litres of water and am refilling it with streight cold water.

The water temp was over 45 degrees.
The sun temp is like 53 degrees.

If it reheats to warm they all will have to come inside in the air con.
Sorry I cant help, but I can sympathize, its currently 40something outside. Sounds like you are doing the right thing. I'm adding water to my outdoor fish occasionally and keeping them shaded.
Holy crap that is hot. If it was me, I'd be bringing them inside now. Set up a small tank or the bath tub for them
I dropped thermometers in the water to check and i placed some in the turtle basking areas in the sun and thats the readings i got.
try adding some ice cubes to the water and make sure you have plenty of shady spots

also put a frozen drink bottle of water on the land area
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