Facebook - Who DOESN'T Use It?

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+1 Renenet :)

I use it to keep in touch with people I don't often see or speak to for a number of reasons and sometimes it's just easier to post on some ones wall rather than call them all the time lol. I'm also a mean photo uploader, I think its a great way to share things with friends. Also there are heaps of ways of selecting who does or doesn't see certain things on your profile etc. The way I see it, I don't mind people having a peak at what I do or where I've been because I don't have anything to hide anyway lol. As for other people not wanting to see stuff I post, they can simply block my stuff from their wall too.
We both have it with seperate accounts. We find its a good way to talk to family and friends that dont live near by. We like to keep our private lives ours and not the rest of the fb worlds no we have all of our fb setting to customise so only the selected people can see what we write and the pic's we put up and so on. So yes we think fb can be a good idea Sometimes.
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It's sad when people have (or think they have) "friends" in the virtual world, they text each other ....... wow!
I prefer to have real friends I can shake their hands, see them, see them smiling, have a drink with them - to me that's real life. As far as I am concerned, facebook can go broke (I know it won't).
Dead right about it never going broke Micheal

Facebook is the best selling tool out there
Far better and faster than Ebay with zero risk and zero fees
You can pick and choose exactly who sees what
You can select customers instead of just posting and hoping like on Ebay

I have a customer base of about 600 who are divided into groups
Gives me a world wide selling tool at the touch of a button
Instant contact internationally and zero fees for the contact
I have it but it frustrates the hell out of me. I preferred myspace where you didn't have to see every single stupid thing people on your friends list post. I mainly keep it as I have a gallery page for my artwork and my son is in the uk so cheap way of keeping in contact. But he has now deleted his page and I am wondering if it is worth keeping mine and putting up with the absolute rubbish people constantly post.
Simply go to message settings and select the people and groups you want to see messages from
I just arranged for the best Balinese artist Ive ever seen to do a show in New York
All on facebook and never cost a cent
Ive previously sold about 10 of his paintings simply because of the world wide audience
But he is pretty good
Fortunately I don't have a lot of friends who post rubbish. I don't spend a lot of time on it either. For me it's a tool, not an obsession.

It can be great in times of natural disasters. I have a friend who was caught up in the Japanese tsunami. With Facebook he could let family and friends know that he was fine within hours. Without it there would have been a whole lot more worry for longer.
Simply go to message settings and select the people and groups you want to see messages from
I just arranged for the best Balinese artist Ive ever seen to do a show in New York
All on facebook and never cost a cent
Ive previously sold about 10 of his paintings simply because of the world wide audience
But he is pretty good
Haha, that would be almost everyone. That's great news for the artist.
facebook is the biggest load of crap to have ever existed, whatever happened to calling someone and hearing thier voice or keeping your private life your private life and not sharing it with the rest of the world, people who update thier status with things like so bored or i'm sick or just seen such and such, guess what? i don't give a rats ***, and niether does any other normal people, and also to the 16yr olds who cake on the make up and take risque photo's of themselves, you's all look like slappers and won't find someone who loves you like that, you'll just get passed round like a letter in class. idiots is all i can say.
Agree 100%... I deleted my Facebook ages ago and dont plan on making another. Created more problems than it was worth for me.
The internet, including facebook, is just a tool
Albeit the most powerful tool in existence
Use it or abuse it
Its just like owing an electric drill or a hammer
Drill holes in walls or in your hand
Hit a nail or hit your head
Choice is up to you
I hunt with a spear...what would I need facebook for when I have smoke signals? This forum is about as social as I get! I just want to grow a big beard and sit on a hill with my snakes!
Even if you don't have fb, you have to see what closed minded people who call people they know nothing about, idiots. Just read this thread and many more on this site lol. Like Longqi said, it's what you make of it. Just cos you don't like it, doesn't make people that do, idiots :)
I dont see whats wrong with it, since many of my friends live in Dubai its a great way for me to talk to them, otherwise we'd lose touch. Call me pathetic but I dunno what I'd do without it.

Snakeluvver isn't the age minimun for facebook over 13! :?
I will never open a FB account, my missus is constantly on it and at the same time whining that "this person said this and that person done that", way too much drama for my life.
Don't have it... never will. People have told me it's great to get in contact with people I haven't seen in ages, people from highschool and long lost friends.

My retort is: If they don't have my current phone number then we probably don't need to be speaking to each other anyway..... If we needed to stay in contact, they'd have my number.
by the way on the subject of girls taking dirty photo's and posting them, you do realise that the term online stalking is cause if you put up a dirty photo, some perve only needs some friends and then he looks at their friends and then some of their friends and so on and so on till he finds one of you young girls and then you've got some creep who knows what school you go to what job you have your habits and movements due to posting your daily doings, and he could be doing god knows what over your photo's and with your info and you have know idea someone is stalking you until you get grabbed one day cause you let slip all your habits and whereabouts, just remember friends have friends you don't know and they have friends you don't know so who's watching you right now, do you know?

If you edit the privacy settings friends of friends actually can't see your information, they would have to be your friend to see that, but anyone with half a brain in their head doesn't put up too much info about themselves in the first place.
I don't use it, never will. But I know some individuals who have used it very effectively to organise smear campaigns, and unless the person smeared is willing to get down in the same gutter as the smearer, it's very difficult to defend yourself...

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