Facebook - Who DOESN'T Use It?

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Just putting a comparison out there...... In the beginning of the year when reptiles sales were at an all time low... I was having a huge reduction in my collection... I advertised my sale in reptile classified sites as well as on facebook....... The fist 2 days of posting my SALE add I had sold 28 pythons on facebook and 2 on a reptile site..... GO FIGURE :)

Dont knock it just because it doesn't suit you..... Yoghurt doesn't suit me but I don't go around slanging off about it, I just stay clear of it lol

As for CHEATING...... That can happen at work, on a bus, at the supermarket, through the internet, at the pub... ANYWHERE.... But if BOTH partners are truly happy in the relationship in the first place then it will never happen ANYWHERE.......
As for CHEATING...... That can happen at work, on a bus, at the supermarket, through the internet, at the pub... ANYWHERE.... But if BOTH partners are truly happy in the relationship in the first place then it will never happen ANYWHERE.......
Geez Deb, you don't say. Try reading all my posts next time.
Geez Deb, you don't say. Try reading all my posts next time.

Yep I have read EVERY post... I wasn't being specific about your case... Just the CHEATING outcome in general as it has been mentioned in many of the posts here....
Wow.....this was an......interesting read! :shock: I do have facebook & ive found it to be a 'love/hate' relationship......cause yes, while i can keep in touch with ppl that live afar & share photos of my babies with family that have yet to even meet them, i do also have some friends who post alot of CRAP! Its just one of those things, & when it gets to u, at least u can log out.....its a bit harder to do that if u are say face to face & someone starts talking crap......ummm excuse me while i just switch my ears off! :lol: Like anything though, it is a personal choice, if u dont like it, dont have it, no1 is right or wrong in the choice they make! I have friends with 2000 'friends' & they complain that they cant add anymore.......i have less then 150, & am constantly rejecting friendship requests, mostly from ppl i dont know......we are all different!
Yeah you can't block information on here or other forums, you know why? Because it's not supposed to have much to do with your personal life. It's reptile related so why have a need to block anyone from seeing this kind of information? On facebook you are putting your entire name, DOB, very PERSONAL information. Makes a perfect government data base. Where you live, where you hang out.. all your friends.

Infact i'm seeing plenty of younger users putting their entire address and not having the privacy function switched on. It's also a perfect way for your employers to look you up and see what a dumb clown you are.

The layout and overall function is retarded, too much click this, remove that etc. Not to mention the fact that seeing even my closest of friends update every half an hour with the most boring trivial stupid crap i've ever read in my life makes me want to kill myself.

So yeah, it's amazing.

Even myspace was better than this assnovel bull.
Yeah you can't block information on here or other forums, you know why? Because it's not supposed to have much to do with your personal life. It's reptile related so why have a need to block anyone from seeing this kind of information? On facebook you are putting your entire name, DOB, very PERSONAL information. Makes a perfect government data base. Where you live, where you hang out.. all your friends.

Infact i'm seeing plenty of younger users putting their entire address and not having the privacy function switched on. It's also a perfect way for your employers to look you up and see what a dumb clown you are.

The layout and overall function is retarded, too much click this, remove that etc. Not to mention the fact that seeing even my closest of friends update every half an hour with the most boring trivial stupid crap i've ever read in my life makes me want to kill myself.

So yeah, it's amazing.

Even myspace was better than this assnovel bull.
Myspace was a lot better but unfortunately facebook killed it.
yeah deleted it 2 or so years ago. sick of reading peoples comments about the miserable lives and what their having for dinner. if i wanna talk to someone i'll pick up the phone
lol for all you guys complaining about peoples pointless posts, try twitter. Thats one thing I'll never get its the stupidest thing your not even staying in contact like with FB.
It's been said before, but apparently needs to be said again.

YOU are in control of your facebook. YOU control who you are friends with, what information you share and who you share it with.
If someone is posting crap continually or harassing you in some way, unfriend them. Simple as that.

Personally, I find it great for keeping in touch, sharing photos, etc. with family and a few select friends.
I usually keep it at about 20 friends or less, total.
Also great for keeping up to date on games, books, movies, etc. that I'm looking forward to.
Facebook is a time waster.

I've had an account for a few years and hardly ever accept friend requests, I've all of 4 friends on facebook,all of them relatives.
I don't use it, I just find the concept pointless to me, if I want to talk to my friends I'll call them, I don't really care what they're doing in the mean time, that's what catching up when I see them is for.
nope nope nope never.
I have seen people getting addicted & I think it is rediculous
Its only a time waster, if you let it waste your time. I spend as much time on here as I do on FB. If there is a friend that posts to much crap, I hide there posts and if I want to check up on them all I have to do is click onto there prfile for a little look. As ive seen it mentioned, you have complete control over what you choose to put online so privacy shouldn't be an issue.

By the way myspace had/has the worst format of any social media site. I was a myspace goon and trust me, it was definatley no where near as safe as facebook is.
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