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I went and scrolled through my past posts but king905au were the ones who had to put their jungle down after it broke it's back. I didn't re read the thread but from memory it was when she went for food and fell off the perch. Felt so sorry for them, they were so upset!
My male diamond for some reason would try to climb the sliding glass doors in his enclosure repeatedly falling I was concerned so I put another big old branch along his door so he could climb up the glass with a decent foot hold he hasn't fallen since. I lost a bredli a few years ago from falling off the back of the coach onto a tiled floor so I don't really wanna lose another one
My husband built a wider shelf along the back of our Antaresia enclosure so they wouldn't fall off a narrow ledge so much. The Darwins fall all of the time. Best one was the MD in my classroom which lives in a 1m wide x 1.2 m tall enclosure. He fell off a branch at the top of his enclosure into his water bowl - during a class test. Cracked everyone up. Bit of stress relief for the students once I explained what happened.
My male diamond for some reason would try to climb the sliding glass doors in his enclosure repeatedly falling I was concerned so I put another big old branch along his door so he could climb up the glass with a decent foot hold he hasn't fallen since. I lost a bredli a few years ago from falling off the back of the coach onto a tiled floor so I don't really wanna lose another one

That is a good idea there mrkos with a branch close to the glass for climbing.
My little stimmie does what I call "snake yoga" - she reaches up for the ceiling of her click-clack, pushes up against it and stretches out with her long neck. Eventually, when she arches over backwards, gravity will take over. She'll either: sway semi-gracefully to the side and down until she alights on the floor; break her fall on cage furniture; or simply fall in a tangle of coils. I swear I saw her roll over once.

It doesn't happen so often now that she's bigger. The pratfalls will likely begin again when she moves to a larger enclosure.
My Bredli used to fall off of his climb brance all the time.

Have cut his burbon ration back now, so not such an issue.
My Bredli used to fall off of his climb brance all the time.

Have cut his burbon ration back now, so not such an issue.

I'm with you, have cut mine back to a bottle a week and removed the ice.
He has sensitive teeth.
i've seen my bluey jump down from his hide, more like a belly flop
unrelated, i saw flying dragons... fall down... weird...
My dragons do something similar. The boy usually sits on the highest branch, I add the crickets, and all you see is a very hastly descent, where the last 30 - 50 cm are covered by air travel.
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